Tuesday, 31 May 2011

NEW Hair Show Piccies!!

One of the FIRST posts i made on this blog back in April was from backstage at my college annual Hair and Beauty Showcase. Every year all the Level3 Hair students take part in an Avant Garde competition along with a photoshoot and catwalk show and are judged on their efforts. I had to come up with my own concept, theme and ideas. The theme i chose was Puss in Boots (mainly because of items i already had for the look and my slight liking for Leopard print hehe).

Well I'm so pleased to announce that i placed 8th out of 42 entrants on my hairstyling ALONE (i didn't place for make-up or total look because the beauty student who was SUPPOSED to be being judged for doing my model's make-up decided to stay at home that day and i had VERY limited supply in my handbag). 

Anyway, after the judging everybody PILED upstairs to get in line to have professional photos taken of their model. And now we FINALLY have all the images back from the photographer and I thought I'd share mine with YOU!!

So here's Rachael my PUSS IN BOOTS!!

I wanted her hair to look like a Lion's mane so i pulled it all into multiple ponytail bands up the back, securing small side sections into each band as i went, and backcombed the HELL out of it, before quiffing the whole top section up and backcombing some more. I then used coloured hairsprays to add the 'spots'. The products that were key in creating this style were BigSexyHair (in particular their 'Backcomb in a Bottle' for it's POTENT holding abilities). 

The look really is so SIMPLE to create, but with MAXIMUM effect and if my hair was still long (and if i still had a social life) I would TOTALLY wear a version of this for a night out. Rachael's hair is shoulder length and very fine but you would NEVER be able to tell from this look!!

I think my girl looks HOT! Would you wear a style like this?? Would you benefit from a Step-by-Step of how to create this and/or other looks?? Please let me know because i love playing around to create fun but wearable styles. 

Or if there is a style you would like help to learn how to create LET ME KNOW! 

For more on the Hair Show and for Piccies of the Weird and Wonderful WINNERS view my original post with backstage photos HERE!!

Monday, 30 May 2011

NOTD: No7 Stay Perfect in Spun Sugar

Bit late for a NOTD but I was determined to try this one out today.

So we've ALL probably got a purse full of No7 vouchers by now and today I used one of mine because I fancied a new polish. To be honest there weren't many in the range that grabbed me, they all just looked a bit.... Bland.

The price also puts me off No7 as I find it over the top at £7, but with the voucher this was a great buy at £2 :)

BUT this one did grab me. I've been after a nice gold for summer (although this seemed quite a deep gold in the bottle).

In fact this took a couple of coats to build up (although a single coat would possibly make a more subtle gold for daytime wear, or layered over something else). Here I actually used 3 coats but the 3rd was probably a little futile.

I find this to be a really nice shimmery gold. I HATE glitter in polishes but this is so fine it makes it look more metallic than sparkly.

Can't wait till my Xen Tan arrives on my doorstep so I can do the bronzed GODDESS thing with this polish and gold shimmery eyes!!


Experiments in Blush

I never used to wear blushers. I very rarely had one in my make-up bag and if i did it was part of a free gift or a set that i had received as a gift. I've always automatically gone for bronzers over blushers and i've probably tried most of the more affordable brands of bronzers in my make-up buying past. 

Just lately, probably not long before i started this blog if i'm perfectly honest, I've had a growing interest in blushers. Not sure what changed really. I think it's been mostly to do with me being so ill and feeling washed out that I've had the desire for more colour on my face. Whatever the reason, I've suddenly gone from zero blushers in my bag to having 5!! And there is a burning desire for MORE!! 

Thought I'd do this post to tell you about my recent blush buys and which have worked for me and which have been pushed to the back of the pile. To be honest I haven't really bought one that i REALLY didn't like, for whatever reason, but there are definite favourites emerging.

 None of the blushes i own, bar one, are high end brands. All have been purchased from either Boots or Superdrug and have cost between £3-5. Once I am receiving treatment that works well enough for me to do more hours at work i hope to have a better budget with which to splurge on all the gorgeous things i read about and drool over in other's blogs and in magazines, but until then i am experimenting with what is available.

The first blush i bought was Barry M in shade no3 (Strawberry), which is a really nice shade that's not too pinky, not too peachy... in fact it's quite RED really but it seemed 'in-between' enough for a first purchase. It doesn't have any shimmer to it, which i quite like about it. I'm a Barry M FREAK so that was, naturally, the first place i was going to look as I've never had anything of theirs that i didn't like or LOVE.

Their blushers are quite a recent addition and, as you'd expect they are HIGHLY pigmented. The colours look intense in the pan and i thought maybe I'd been too ambitious for a first purchase. But it swatched nice and blends VERY well for a more subtle look (although you can layer it up as much as you dare) and I'm wearing it in my 'About Me' pic. I didn't like the brush it came with - It just seemed too small and flimsy and i like a big fat brush on my cheeks (if anyone can recommend a good brush I'd love to hear. The one i have is on it's last legs haha). I've used this one mainly for evening wear , which is why i haven't really reached for it often as nights out are rare at the moment.
BarryM Swatched... WHOA!!

Sleek Coral - Look who put their fingernail in it when they tried to open it 

 The next one i tried was a Sleek blush in Coral. I'd heard great things about Sleek blush from my good friend Natalie @ pixielashes.com and when I'd asked her about blush she had suggested these to me straight away. I can see why she did because they are GREAT for the price and some lovely colours and the packaging is very dinky and cute. Very well milled and easy to apply. Not as in your face in the pan as the Barry M and when i tried it for the first time i REALLY liked it. It's a much more subtle swatch too but, again you can build it up for a really pretty coral and it has a lovely sheen to it which you will see from the swatch. This has turned into a daytime staple for me and it is this one, along with one other that i reach for most often.
Sleek Swatched
 The next two were purchased together because the very lovely Adrienne of Adrienne Adores advised me so well. Well, actually she was consoling me more than anything because I was grieving for a NARS Orgasm i'd lost out on in a blog sale. She mentioned that she'd found some FANTASTIC 17 dupes: First Kiss for NARS Orgasm and First Flush for MAC Bite on an Apple. When i got into Boots i couldn't resist getting both. Unfortunately I do not (YET) own the real McCoy but you can see how they compare in Adrienne's post which can be found HERE!!

(L-R) Boots 17: First Kiss and First Flush
It is 17 First Kiss that is the other i have been reaching for most often, along with the Sleek. It is such a lovely pink with a  LITTLE hint of shimmer (but not too much, I'm not a massive shimmer freak if I'm honest). First Flush I have, like Barry M, been saving for evenings as it's much more intense pink. Both swatch REALLY well and are very soft and easy to apply as well as being long wearing (i didn't have to reapply through the day) They also blend like an absolute DREAM! I love love LOVE them! Not bad for £3.49 a piece from Boots!! I think these will be in my make-up bag for some time to come.
(L-R) First Kiss and First Flush swatches.
NARS Penny Lane
My ONLY disappointment just happens to be the ONLY high-end blush i own, which is NARS Penny Lane, which they describe as a 'Nude Pink'. I was excited to try this one as it's the first cream blush I've owned. Although I needn't have worried about the application (the texture is nice and it went on fine when i patted it on with my finger), the colour is almost INVISIBLE on me!! It's almost LIGHTER than the foundation i use. I have a pretty medium skin tone, certainly not dark but not pale at all, but I can imagine you having to have a pretty darn PALE skin for this to come up with any colour. Nude is one thing but non-existant is another. The only thing i have found it is useful for is as a base for First Kiss or other blush. It has a nice little sheen on it but that is the only effect it has on my skin AT ALL, no matter how much i build it up. When i swatched it just now for this post i did admire the little shimmer it had. Maybe i can use it to highlight rather than for colour. 
Penny Lane HEAVILY swatched.

So those are my 5 of the moment. I'm sure it won't stick at 5. I have my eye on a couple of ELF blushes as well as NARS Deep Throat, which is my ultimate blush LUST! I have reasoned with myself that, because I have First Kiss, it doesn't matter if i can't have Orgasm just yet so i am setting my sights FIRMLY on DT. Peach is a shade i do not have yet and this looks to be a gorgeous peachy pink and everyone seems to RAVE about it. I'm also keen to try more orangy, apricot or terracotta toned blushes. But there's plenty of time and blog space for that, isn't there. I don't HAVE to have them all NOW, do i?? Although it would be nice ;)

Apologies for my photography in this post. I'm still learning and today has been the most MISERABLE, gloomy day EVER. Just so happens that the sun JUST peered out.... TYPICAL!!

Are there any other MUST HAVE blushes that I should try? What did you think of Penny Lane? Let me know your thoughts...


Saturday, 28 May 2011

TAG!! A-Z of Me

Saw this lil baby over on Natalie's blog pixielashes.com (go have a nosey if you haven't already - she's a make-up NUTCASE!!)  and also on Sprinkle of Glitter. Occured to me I've never done one of these before. Always thought I was kinda nicking someone elses post but then i realised that that's the IDEA haha... (dumbass) :P

So this one's called the A-Z of ME (not to be confused with M.E in my case - God that would take forever to explain wouldn't it!!)

Age: Made in 1982 so that would make me 28 (it would also make me 30 NEXT year... CRINGE)

Bed Size: Double, but with a KING SIZE duvet hehehe (all to myself too.. balls to sharing hehehe)

Chore you HATE: Scooping Ferret POOP.... Blehhhhhh

Essential Start to your Day: Actimel, Lucozade and at LEAST 3 ciggies(hey i hardly drink or get into trouble any more, I'm allowed ONE grubby habit)

Favourite Colour: Bright Orange (clothes, not skin hehe)

Height: 5'6" and a bit ;)

Instruments: My voice... but I also learnt guitar and the drums. 

Kids: Two fur-kids in the form of Pedro and Jasper the ferrets (not the 2 pictured, but i just thought that pic was sooooo CUTE!!)

Live: Bakewell, Derbyshire... and BEFORE you start it's a PUDDING not a frickin TART!! (Glad we cleared that one up)

Mum's Name: Linda/Lindy-Loo/Mummyyyyyyyyyyyy ;)

Nickname: Crazy Ferret Lady

Pet Peeve: People that are LATE, people that are RUDE and people who chew their gum LOUDLY when sat behind me on the bus. 

Underwear: PRIMAAAAAAAAARK!! Yup yup :)

What Makes you Run Late: A combination of M.E and naughty Ferrets (but I HATE to be late so I usually do my best to HAUL ASS)

X-Rays You've had Done: Broken elbow as a kid and a couple of dental X-rays... no biggie

Zoo Animal: Hmmmmm... Toughie. I'll go with TIGERRRRR!!! 

Some of the questions i really didn't have answers to but i thought this was a really fun tag and i tag ALL OF YOU to do it too! Let me know if you've done it so i can go and nosey at your answers :D



Thursday, 26 May 2011

Lush: Flying Saucers & Therapy Massage

So this is the first review of some of the products I received from the LOVELY people at Lush. 

I posted my mail order haul on Tuesday. I had asked for their advice and recommendations on which products would best help my symptoms (I suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia for those who are new to this blog). They went one better than that and sent me some WONDERFUL samples and i have now started trying them out!! 

So tonight the products i decided to try out tonight were the Flying Saucers bubble bath and the Therapy Massage Bar
(The photos i have used are those from Lush's website as the products i recieved were mini sample sizes - Click the links below the images to view/order direct from Lush)

Flying Saucers was a discontinued product which is now ONLY available via mail order.
Lush says....
This works like a reassuring embrace from a friendly, furry creature. Flying Saucers is for when you're feeling emotional, but you've been acting so scarily that no-one will come near you. It's designed as the antidote to smashing the crockery and we recommend it for PMT. It has one of our favourite fragrances: honey and ylang ylang. Palmarosa is both calming and refreshing, and vetivert, the oil of tranquility, eases stresses, depression and tension. Take a Flying Saucers bath when you're feeling alien.

The first thing that hit me about this product was the STRONG smell of Honey.. I don't think i could pick up on any of the other ingredients, but I have had a cold so i may not be the most reliable sniffer today. I almost found it too sickly in the pot but Becky from Lush had said in her letter that it would help me relax so I was fully determined to give it a chance. 
 I'm glad i did and i can see why she recommended it for me. The smell really mellowed out once it hit the water and I found the honey scent REALLY comforting and I eventually picked up on the herbal undertones. Even though it was a little sample pot it still made a good amount of bubbles. Don't know if you're like me, but when i get a big bottle of bubble bath i tend to slosh it in and make TONS of bubbles. So a little went a long way.
I don't know if it's helped me RELAX as such (not on it's own anyway) but i found it VERYcomforting and it gave me a lovely bubbly bath :)

So the Therapy Massage Bar..... I'm unfamiliar with the concept of a massage BAR. I've heard of massage OIL but never in a solid form. When i picked it up and had a feel it was kind of a vaseline-y texture. Not quite like a soap bar. Almost like the bath melts.

Here's what Lush say about it...

Euphoria-inducing bar with uplifting neroli. Therapy is a wunder-bar, which we make to help your hard life get softer. First, it moisturises with cocoa and shea butters to make your hard skin get softer. Then, it softens your tensions with lavender and neroli oils - neroli is the one which gives you a feeling of euphoria, especially when you have someone massaging it into your shoulders. Give Therapy a try and you'll feel better in no time. 100% certified organic.

The scent isn't a sweet, pretty scent... it's very herbal and smells like it's fresh out of a spa and VERY good for you. I used it while i was in my lovely honey bath and honestly didn't expect it to go on how it did. It went on just like a massage oil or when you use baby oil after a bath on wet skin. The only thing i have tried that is like it is the solid Palmer's Cocoa Butter you get in a pot. It was VERY rich and i was worried it wouldn't all absorb and i would end up greasy. 

 But i had a lovely time massaging it in. The chunk they had cut me off wasn't very big but it really went a long way. I still have at least half of the piece they sent left to use another time. I think the massaging, in itself, helps relax achey limbs like mine and i feel like it has boosted my circulation. 

When i got out of the bath and dried myself off my skin did NOT feel greasy, but VERY moisturised. If i didn't need to put a layer of tan on tonight i would not bother with another moisturiser. My skin feels and looks lovely and smooth as well. This does a great double-act as a bath product and mousturiser in one and would definitely save you money on a seperate body moisturising product. I can imagine the full-size product would last a LONG time as well so seems VERY economical. I can't imagine the smell being to everyone's taste but there are that many different Massage Bars on Lush's menu that i'm sure there's one out there for everyone.

I still have some other products to try out. They also sent me shower gels designed to wake me up and give me energy, a Sore Labours Massage Bar sample and another bubble bath. This almost feels like a science project with all the potions i'm experimenting with! Can't wait to let you know how i get on on my next bath!

Do you have any Lush products you can't live without, or that you think might work for me?? Let me know...


Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Lush: Wind me down 'n' Wake me UP!!

So i must have been the last person on the PLANET to find Lush's website. I'd been depressing for ages that i wasn't well enough to make it into Derby or Sheffield/Meadowhall (which are my nearest stores). 

I first posted on Lush last month. I really was soooo EXCITED (saddo lol). Read my original shopping list here... Because of my illness I'm always on the look out for things to help me sleep better at night as well as to wake me up in the daytime. Chronic fatigue really does some really odd things to my body and discomfort is a major issue at night. 
When i made the order i just thought I'd mention at the end about my condition and i asked for any other product recommendations they could think of to perhaps help in easing some of my symptoms... Imagine my surprise and JOY when my parcel finally arrived and the lovely Becky J who had packed my order had included some WONDERFUL samples (Becky, you're the BEST). 

In addition to my Dreamtime Bath Melt, Twilight Bath Ballistic, Rockstar Soap and Comforter..... They sent me sample sizes in Flying Saucer and Smargandine Bubble Baths, Whoosh and Dirty Spring Wash Shower Gels and Sore Labours and Therapy Massage Bars. All this AND a full-size Dream Cream!! In short.... they SPOILED ME ROTTEN!!! 
Almost brought a little tear to my eye. I'm sure a company as popular as Lush doesn't HAVE to be giving away freebies, but I just found them so thoroughly NICE and you don't get customer service like that often these days. 
I haven't used ALL of the products i got sent yet. My review on the Dreamtime Bath Melt will follow in a couple of days as i plan to use it tomorrow night and i will do a special post on their recommendations/sample products.
Thank you so much Lush... you made my day :)


Friday, 20 May 2011

NOTD - BarryM Berry Ice Cream (308)

Thought I'd try out a couple of firsts today now that I'm on a blogging roll....
First one is that I've NEVER done a NOTD before and it seems that EVERYONE is doing them except me.
Second is that I'm trying this post from my iPhone. I suspect I'm gonna have to edit it a bit once it's been posted but as the photos were taken from my phone I thought I'd save having to transfer the photos to the laptop.

Loving BarryM's ice cream pastels for summer. They're so pretty. Been wearing mostly the Berry and Strawberry although I do have the Mint also. I haven't got the Blueberry one yet.

I have to say I'm a little ashamed of my application on this one as I've got the shakes BAD today so I hope you'll let me off. Plus I was taking the photo with my LEFT hand (I broke a nail last night on my left hand and it looks PATHETIC next to my other longer nails so I photographed the RIGHT hand instead).

So i'm gonna post this now and see if it works lol.... Here goes nuthin ;) xoxo

Summer Haul 2011.... So far ;)

I'm VERY impressed that i've managed TWO shopping trips so far this Spring/Summer!! And as usual I've tended to stick to Primark, mainly for budget reasons. You really can't go wrong in there!!

Made a start on my summer wardrobe because i REFUSE to be stuck indoors (or even worse, sweating it out at work) while the sun is shining! The sunshine really does make me feel a little bit better, although i usually end up drowsy if i'm in it for too long and sunglasses are a MUST as bright light HURTS!

I've gone pretty MAXI this year. So far i have accumulated 2 maxi dresses and a maxi skirt (all £9 each from good ol' Primani).  I also have a plain black vest-type maxi that i got from New Look last year that is still good. The Primark ones are sooooo COMFY! I could just live in them.  The ferrets, however, see them as PLAYTIME and are loving running in and out of the dresses every chance they get! I fear for the wellbeing of my ankles! I have a couple of weddings coming up this year and because the dresses are so comfortable i am definitely going to wear them, jazzed up with jewellery and PERFECT make-up, nails etc ;)

Love Primark for summer staples such as vest-tops for £3 (of which i picked up a few colours, but only one is featured here for reasons of space) and I got a lovely pair of comfy grey linens for £9. My white and black ones from last year are still going strong so only needed the one pair this year :) 

I LOVE my white knitted waistcoat/cardi (also from Primani £10)... it goes over almost EVERYTHING. I also picked up this lovely pinkish-beige (there, i invented a new colour haha) floaty top for £8. I've been wearing it over vest tops and leggings with ballet pumps or sandals (sandals only when the ferrets are asleep - my feet would not survive if they were awake)

Last clothing item is the pretty pink dress with navy trim and bird print for ONLY £6. I wore this ONCE so far to college on a sunny day with leggings and pumps and got SO many compliments on it. Weird how smug you feel saying "Oh, this.... it was only 6 quid from Primani" when people are gushing about something you're wearing!

Haven't gone too mad on accessories YET.... Got a GORGEOUS bag in the Primark sale for £5 (I have so many bags that i don't tend to buy many these days). Got a little set of 6 pairs of pretty stud earrings for £1.50. They are so pretty and a BARGAIN at that price. I've been wearing the little roses and butterflies the most but currently wearing the doves. The charm-style bracelet was £2.50 and fits round my wrist OR ankle as it's adjustable. The heart pendant was actually from Claire's Accessories, not Primark but was still only £5 and i LOVE IT!!

Last item is my little guilty purchase... I was not DESPERATE for a new purse, but the one i had was getting a little tatty and the ferrets had started to chew the sequins off it. I saw this in River Island for £12 and just had to get it. I've always wanted a River Island purse but always ended up with a £2 one from Primark haha. But i was out with my mum and we reasoned that i was feeling pretty crap and a little splurge was perfectly justified for the purpose of cheering me right up :D

So so far, no shoes. I feel i need to do a clear out of shoes before i add any more. I've been hanging on to shoes that are absolutely KNACKERED just for sentimental value and because the ferrets enjoyed playing/sleeping in them so much. But they're cluttering now and i can barely close my wardrobe.

My summer haul has also included a Lush order and some make-up purchases but they will feature in another post as a plan to review a few of the items for your benefit :) That post should be appearing in the next couple of days when I've used a couple of the products.

Until then, hope you enjoyed noseying at my purchases... and

Monday, 16 May 2011

Beauty App Of The Month - May 2011

I keep finding all these lovely apps for the iPhone so i thought i'd do you the honour of recommending the ones I think you'll LOVE!! I'm doing my best to find apps that cater for both iPhone and Android but it seems there are more available for the iPhone/iPad market right now. I will definitely keep searching!

So I thought I'd start the ball rolling with OPI

Get it now from iTunes
Click image to view in iTunes

This app is like a mini on-the-go version of ther website. You get to try on each colour on your virtual hand. The colours are VERY accurate and true to life and you can even change the skin tone of the hand for a more accurate picture of your desired colour on YOUR own hand.

There is a search feature for those who know what they are looking for. I use this when i hear someone RAVING about a new shade they've tried and i want to see it for myself. You can also save favourites to refer back to later (when you've dusted off your credit card).

 I have to say it's DANGEROUS!! I mentally spend sooooooo much money every day on the bus to college while browsing this app, and my OPI wishlist has swelled to £100's as a result. It's a good job my mum works at NatWest and can see every PENNY that goes out of my account because if I didn't have that kind of FEAR I'd be deeply in DEBT!!

I'd say that it's pretty up to date but, although some of the more recent collections (eg. Cool Britannia) ARE included they are not as easy to find as the Hong Kong or Shrek collections which are FEATURED as such. You can also narrow down your search according to colour (reds, pinks, blues, pastels etc...)

More recently OPI launched a separate app for the Spring 2011 Nicole Richie Range. I think these are aimed at a younger audience (there's even references to Justin Beiber in there) but the colours are still really nice, highly pigmented and pretty.

The search continues and I will bring you another app offering next month


Friday, 13 May 2011

Vie at Home - Summer Time Skin

Thought I'd pop this one in there while it's fresh in my mind because i've been meaning to tell you all about this one since i started using it last week. But it's been one of those dazed and confused weeks when i'm constantly thinking "Now, what was that thing i was about to do...." and it's been forgotten about until now.

So, at work we have a LOVELY lady called Margaret from Vie at Home who comes every once in a while and visits us with box after box of GORGEOUS things... I really like these evenings as i get to sit and talk about make-up ALL NIGHT and nobody will tell me to shut up. Last time she came was a little while ago (just before xmas) but I only just started using this product as i had another bottle of tan to use up before i started on this one and i haven't always got the energy to put on a tan every day at the moment so a bottle tends to last. 

The product in the limelight today is 
Vie at Home Summer Time Skin.

Vie at home says....

Low level tanning agents build a natural colour and Shea Butter and Panthenol (pro Vitamin B5) will keep your skin soft and smooth. Apply daily over face and body to build a natural tan. 

Other products in the range include Walking on Sunshine Body LotionSun Goddess Body Crackle and Spray on Sunshine

This retails at £12.50 for 250ml and is worth EVERY DAMN PENNY!! This product looks and SMELLS like a body lotion you would buy in a fragrance gift set (unlike the biggest selling brand of gradual self tan which smells like utter MUCK) and is for use on the face AND body so no need to buy a separate facial tanner. The colour is also GORGEOUS and looked lovely even after just 2 days of applying it before bedtime.

Another reason to sing it's praises is because I can't describe how SOFT my skin feels after I've put this on. I suffer from the curse of red, blotchy upper arms (I'm sure it has a name but i don't know it and i KNOW you know what I'm talking about) and, I kid you not, after one application they were smooth as a baby's bum! So i woke up silky smooth and smelling like a GODDESS, which really gave me a boost to start my day. And we all feel a bit perkier when we have a lovely golden glow.

The product does not contain any shimmer (which i like about it because i only really like a shimmer when i go out - which ain't very often these days) and the consistency is not as thick as some tans i have used. This means it spreads really well but doesn't take ages to sink in. It's not a greasy product either. Was fine on my face as well. I sometimes worry that body products are too heavy and gloopy on my face.

So if anyone invites you to a Vie at Home party or you ever have one yourself, this would be my first recommendation. I have other favourites of theirs as well but i felt this one deserved a post all to itself. I will do a separate post for all my other Vie favourites, because they don't deserve to go unmentioned either.

Go forth and GLOW my pretties ;)

Saturday, 7 May 2011

I HEART Barry M :)

Been away a few days I know. Been recovering from the Bank Holiday at work and resting up ready to start the new college term. Last 6wks of my level 3 course now so gotta get stuck in and catch up on the practical sessions i've missed since becoming ill. Given the page a lil PIMPING while i've been so quiet but just didn't have the concentration factor to finish this blog post until now. Damned brain fog :(

So here's my latest offering on the alter of GORGEOUSNESS......


I've only touched on my obsession with Barry M up to now. 

As I'm pretty limited in where i can go these days and i never know if and when i'll have a good day and have energy to go exploring, I'm buying my cosmetics either ONLINE (when i can afford it) or exclusively from Boots in Bakewell (which is the teeniest most PATHETIC Boots I've ever been into). 

I don't have a MASSIVE budget for anything at the moment but ever since they started stocking Barry M I've been treating myself to ONE thing (or two.... I'm not always that restrained) every week on payday. I just find their products so much FUN and their website is FULL of awesome ideas and video tutorials. They are VERY reasonably priced as well with most items costing under a fiver. They sometimes do 2 polishes for a fiver and similar offers as well. 

Here I thought I'd share a few of my FAVOURITE Barry M goodies with you.


I'm a girl, yeah... and I wouldn't BE one if i didn't love a bit of SPARKLE! (I don't care how much of a tomboy you are - if you don't like sparkly things then you should consider gender-reassignment surgery)

Barry M Dazzle Dust is the one thing that is sure to pick me up and make me feel bright and colourful even on one of my bad days. I have been known to put it on just for pottering around the house when I'm feeling particularly low lol.

My favourite shades at the moment are Mint Green (I'm wearing this with their blue kohl liner mostly for when I want it BRIGHT), Mushroom (for sensible sparkle), and Brass (lovely with a tan).


Staying with eyes, my other shimmery favourite is the Shimmering Lip/Eye pencil. Again I've mostly gone for the green (loving green at the moment) and the gold but i also like the turquoise/blue (for eyes obviously... I could look half DEAD without putting any make up on at all haha). These are so easy to apply and can be smudged in for a more subtle look.


I'm new to the art of blusher. I've always just automatically gone for bronzer, but since i've been ill i've been feeling very washed out. Barry M blushers are quite a recent addition  but i went for theirs because i've never had anything of theirs that i didn't love and the packaging is really pretty. I chose the Strawberry shade (no3), although i worried that i should have gone for more of a peachy tone. But i needn't have. It looks INTENSE in the tray but it blends lovely (wasn't mad about the brush it came with but have been using my big blusher brush to put it on). The blushers also contain Vitamin E as an added bonus.

I don't think there's anyone that doesn't love Barry M Nail Paint so i'm more than likely to be preaching to the converted on this one. I love OPI and other higher end brands as well but, the reality at the moment is, I just can't afford them. Barry M's most recent Spring Ice-Cream pastels have really got me going. They're VERY girly and i worried a little that, at 28, I should go for something more grown-up but I'm LOVING their Strawberry, Berry and Mint Ice Cream shades for spring/summer. And who wants to grow up anyway?? I also love their Indigo, Pink Flamingo and Dusky Mauve.

Another one that's really intrigued me is the Nail Effects range. They have added 3 new shades recently (it was originally just black). White Frost is definitely on my wishlist, but every time i go into Superdrug it seems to be sold out. I works by sort of shrinking and cracking up as it dries. It is VERY similar to OPI's Black Shatter but at £3.99 is a lot more affordable for peasants like me hahaaaa

I apologise again for the gap in posting. I'm really LOVING this blogging at the moment but I'd rather wait until i am well enough to CONCENTRATE on what i am writing because i don't want to just post any old rubbish. I've only got 4 followers as it is... And I'd like MORE please!

(Please note that all photos are linked back to the original source - I'm still trying to master the art of still-life photography)

Monday, 2 May 2011

A Very Moroccan Love Affair

Okay sooooo.... The honour of first product I'm going to review on this blog EVER has GOT to go to Moroccan Oil. 

I discovered this stuff last year from my cousin who worked for Aston and Fincher at the time and she gave me a lovely 200ml stylist-EXCLUSIVE bottle for a VERY good price (Moroccan Oil normally retails at around £30 for 100ml - The BEST deals are usually Online). She informed me that Victoria Beckham and other celebs were going WILD over it and that i should try it on my (at the time) very long, thick wavy hair. 

Well I tried it and OMG was it love at first use!! It smells LUSCIOUS  and I only needed the teeniest bit even on my abundant mop! 

What it says on the Tin/Bottle/Tube...
'Moroccanoil' has unique quality of instant absorption into hair, creating an instant shine and long term conditioning without leaving residue.'

Directions for use....
For healthy looking, smooth and striking shiny hair, apply a small amount throughout damp hair, style as usual.

The way i like to use it is to apply it straight into my wet hair after washing. Some people apply it BEFORE washing as a treatment but i like it to stay on my hair as it really does nourish even whilst blowdrying and gives an AMAZING shine. I, personally do not apply any other products before blowdrying but you could use it WITH a root boost or other styling product. The key is to concentrate it on the mid-lengths and ends of your hair and apply MINIMALLY near the roots/hairline to avoid looking like a grease-monkey until your next wash (it is VERY powerful stuff).

I think you'll agree that the end result is shine-TASTIC and, believe me, my hair is left feeling sooooo soft and lovely.  (Excuse my roots.... LOL)

Obviously my hair isn't long any more but I still apply Moroccan Oil after EVERY wash. Here i simply applied the oil, blow dried with a round bristle brush and finished with a little spritz of Tigi Catwalk 'Your Highness' Shine Spray before straightening (I don't IRON my hair like some though - rather just run them through to smooth it all out and shape a little). 

So I'd HIGHLY recommend you give it a try if you can... it's well worth the money and you'll not need to replace it anytime soon. (Just make sure you keep it away from your pet ferret as one of mine decided to knock my bottle FLYING on one occasion - Mumma was unimpressed)


Sunday, 1 May 2011

My Primark/BarryM 'Hangover' :S

FINALLY got round to doing my Primark visit yesterday. I KNEW it was a BAD idea to go before i even got on the bus. I should have spent yesterday resting but there's no other day I coulda gone. Bus was AGONY both ways and Primark was like a Zoo as usual. How come i always end up having to go on a BLOODY Saturday?!?!

Anyway, it was a flying visit, was only in town for an hour. Primark, Superdrug and OUT! Got some LOVELY bits. Yellow heart cardi a la Pixielashes ;), MASSIVE black Maxi-skirt (comfort heaven), some FABULOUS £1 sunglasses and a dress that i intended to wear for a wedding. However it was not the one i WANTED. I wanted a maxi dress but as is usually the case on a Saturday in Chesterfield the rails had been RAPED early on of all average sizes and I was left with a choice of size 8.... or size16 (not gonna happen). Of course changing rooms are a nightmare these days and physically pulling clothes on and off would not have helped matters at that point so i flashed em the plastic and made my escape. 

Was a lot more successful with my Barry M raid on Superdrug. I bought some their gorgeous looking blusher (shade no3) and decided i was also going to have a bash at their Nail Effects as well. Didn't really think it'd do what it says it does but, I can tell you now... that stuff is WITCHCRAFT!!! Strangest thing I've ever seen! You put on 2 coats of your favourite polish and let it dry... then add a SINGLE coat of the nail effects (no overlapping or it won't turn out right). And then watch as it does the weirdest thing i've ever seen. It's like it shrinks and CRACKS up as it dries. See the magic for yourself HERE.. Felt pretty darn clever once it was done I can tell you hahaaaa. And I'm slowly LEARNING how to apply blusher.

My little jaunt did, however wipe me out for the rest of the day and this morning too. Then of course i have to go and face the Bank Holiday MASSES at work (reason i shoulda been resting yesterday) and now I'm so sore all over i can hardly move!  Gonna have to rest ALL NIGHT and sleep in tomorrow to be ready for work tomorrow afternoon. So it's hot water bottle, bath and Haribo tonight for me. And perhaps some FARMVILLE ;)

And  P.S... Dress choice no2 made me look like a sack of SPUDS sooo I'm gonna have to make the trek BACK to Primark. But who knows, they might have the Maxi in my size next time so it may all work out for the best ;)

Barry M Nail Effects....
It's WITCHCRAFT I tell ye!! 

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