Monday, 16 May 2011

Beauty App Of The Month - May 2011

I keep finding all these lovely apps for the iPhone so i thought i'd do you the honour of recommending the ones I think you'll LOVE!! I'm doing my best to find apps that cater for both iPhone and Android but it seems there are more available for the iPhone/iPad market right now. I will definitely keep searching!

So I thought I'd start the ball rolling with OPI

Get it now from iTunes
Click image to view in iTunes

This app is like a mini on-the-go version of ther website. You get to try on each colour on your virtual hand. The colours are VERY accurate and true to life and you can even change the skin tone of the hand for a more accurate picture of your desired colour on YOUR own hand.

There is a search feature for those who know what they are looking for. I use this when i hear someone RAVING about a new shade they've tried and i want to see it for myself. You can also save favourites to refer back to later (when you've dusted off your credit card).

 I have to say it's DANGEROUS!! I mentally spend sooooooo much money every day on the bus to college while browsing this app, and my OPI wishlist has swelled to £100's as a result. It's a good job my mum works at NatWest and can see every PENNY that goes out of my account because if I didn't have that kind of FEAR I'd be deeply in DEBT!!

I'd say that it's pretty up to date but, although some of the more recent collections (eg. Cool Britannia) ARE included they are not as easy to find as the Hong Kong or Shrek collections which are FEATURED as such. You can also narrow down your search according to colour (reds, pinks, blues, pastels etc...)

More recently OPI launched a separate app for the Spring 2011 Nicole Richie Range. I think these are aimed at a younger audience (there's even references to Justin Beiber in there) but the colours are still really nice, highly pigmented and pretty.

The search continues and I will bring you another app offering next month


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