Friday, 20 May 2011

NOTD - BarryM Berry Ice Cream (308)

Thought I'd try out a couple of firsts today now that I'm on a blogging roll....
First one is that I've NEVER done a NOTD before and it seems that EVERYONE is doing them except me.
Second is that I'm trying this post from my iPhone. I suspect I'm gonna have to edit it a bit once it's been posted but as the photos were taken from my phone I thought I'd save having to transfer the photos to the laptop.

Loving BarryM's ice cream pastels for summer. They're so pretty. Been wearing mostly the Berry and Strawberry although I do have the Mint also. I haven't got the Blueberry one yet.

I have to say I'm a little ashamed of my application on this one as I've got the shakes BAD today so I hope you'll let me off. Plus I was taking the photo with my LEFT hand (I broke a nail last night on my left hand and it looks PATHETIC next to my other longer nails so I photographed the RIGHT hand instead).

So i'm gonna post this now and see if it works lol.... Here goes nuthin ;) xoxo


  1. All of these colours are gorgeous!!
    I love Barry M :)

    P.S. I'm now your newest follower! xxx

  2. YAY! Thanks for your comment too. Every time i shop for Nail Polish i always try not to choose a BarryM one and try something different but they're so well priced and fun i always end up with another one haha.

    If it ain't broke don't fix it ;) xoxo

  3. Oooh I like this mint green colour, I actually looked for one similar in boots today in the models own part but couldn't find owt


  4. Didn't they have a BarryM counter?? Thought all Boots had them :( xx

  5. You cant go wrong with Barry M ;)
    I love Berry I/C..... Strawberry I/C looks gorgeous too! I might have to invest! x

  6. Strawberry looks gorgeous on tanned toes!! Can't wait to try Blueberry xoxo


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