Saturday, 24 November 2012

Getting in the Xmas Spirit with Motel!

Hello again!
I've had the maddest, busiest week i've had in a LONG time this week! I attended some AMAZING events, which i am only just now starting to be able to write up because, as well as events, having friends visiting from back home and work, i am actually bloody EXHAUSTED!! But it's been so much fun and i've seen some amazing and exciting things. So here's the first installment of my crazy week! 

I was invited to go along to the Motel Rocks Xmas Bloggers' Party on Monday night, held at Floripa bar in Shoreditch! I went along with Alice as we'd been to other events together that night also (more on them to follow later this week). I'm so glad i was able to go as i got to catch up with a few blogging faces that i hadn't seen for way too long! I also got to see the latest booty from Motel along with pretty makeup from MyFace cosmetics and some practical hair demonstrations from someone VERY exciting indeed........

 What I Wore......

Playsuit: River Island
Belt: Primark
Brooch: Came with playsuit
Eyes: Sleek Avoir La Peche Palette, Maybelline Gel Liner, 17 Peep Show Mascara
Lipstick: MAC Chatterbox
Hair Extensions: Halo

I had a good old rummage through all the clothes on display. I'm now totally obsessed with getting myself some velvet trousers as they looked sooooo warm and comfy and PERFECT for the party season. I also loved the long-sleeved playsuits that were on offer in several different colours, but i think my ultimate lust item from the evening has to be the studded biker jacket (see top left above).

First thing Alice and i did when we got there (after furnishing ourselves with a cocktail of course) was make a beeline for the photobooth. Gotta love a photobooth! There were all manner of Xmas and other themed fancy dress items to choose from. I went as Santa Claus/Dame Edna haha! Don't we look like a pair of NUTTERS ;P

Now HERE is the highlight of the night, and year, for me! I got to be face to face with one of my all time most respected hair gurus, Mr Lee Stafford HIMSELF!! As a stylist myself, i got a bit giddy and may have attacked him a little bit for this photo. I had all kinds of questions for him, but he was very busy making lots of ladies look gorgeous so we had to part (sob). 

Motel did a fantastic job on the night! I think we got there a little after the main action had died down, unfortunately, but there was still plenty to see and bloggers to chat to and PRESENTS! I went home with some adorably gift-wrapped So...? perfumes that i haven't had since i was a teenager! They're lovely! Thank you Motel Rocks! 

To see all the latest collections from Motel visit their website HERE! They've got all your Xmas party wear requirements sorted! I think i'll be ordering that playsuit in the not too distant future! 

My Autumn/Winter Colours 2012: Makeup Edition

Hello lovelies! 
I hope everyone's had a great week and keeping nice and warm from the cold! Speaking of which, I thought i'd do a post about what makeup colours i have been loving for the new season. Autumn/Fall is a season particularly associated with stunning colours and i've found myself reaching for a certain palette of shades without even realising it! So i thought i would snap a few to show you!

I'll start with the cheek products because i really pay attention to what shades i put on my cheeks in the winter months. As is to be expected in colder weathers i'm not as tan as i am in the Summer, and rightly so (i'm not inclined to overcompensate for this, but prefer to go with it). I really enjoy glowy cheeks in winter shades. My ultimate favourite is Sleek's Fenberry Blush from last year's Berry Collection but i conveniently left it at my parents house last week so it was unavailable for photos.

Sleek Blush by 3: Pumpkin
I think the name says it all to be honest. This palette is named and put together PERFECTLY for this season! You have a gorgeous reddened coral shimmer, a slightly darkened pink and a juicy tangerine. I've used all of these recently and it's permanently in my makeup bag when i'm travelling around for uni as i love to be able to choose.
BeneFit Dallas
Even though it's pretty matte, i just adore the burnt peach and plum tones this powder has! It really  adds a beautiful glow to the cheeks. I often use this with a gold toned highlighter in the evening or just a sweep on it's own in the daytime.
Bourjois Delice De Poudre: 
As i mentioned before, although i like to have a glow about my skin (nobody WANTS to look like a corpse at any time of the year), i do try and tone it down a bit for Winter. I fake tan more often, but don't build it up as much, if that makes sense. This bronzer on me is very subtle. Usually i would mainly use it as a contour, but recently i have been popping a bit on my cheeks, nose and chin to add a bit of warmth.

Sleek i-Divine Palette: Avoir La Peche (Paraguaya Collection)
I can safely say that, in recent weeks, i have NOT been into much on my eyes. My staple look of late has consisted of JUST my Maybelline Gel Liner and 17 Peep Show Mascara. But when i have reached for eyeshadows lately i have only reached for this palette. I love how it's warm, but not dark and how the shades brighten up my green eyes. Again, the peach and orange tones of the shadows are so seasonal, but are kept muted and flattering thanks to the grey and brown shades. This palette was Limited Edition BUT i find the Sunset palette from Sleek to be every bit as appropriate. It's a MUST have for the cooler months in my opinion.

Can you see a pattern emerging here for Pumpkin and Berry shades?? My nail choices very much fall in with this pattern. I'm not going to wax lyrical about the shades this time (i chose them pretty much for the same reasons as everything else above), but i will list the shades for you just for reference purposes.

OPI Barefoot in Barcelona
OPI Y'all Come Back Ya Hear
Nails Inc Piccadilly Circus
Nails Inc Victoria

I haven't been wearing a ridiculous amount of lipstick just lately because i haven't had too many excuses to, but i've been absolutely loving MAC Spirit (above) for an everyday winter shade. It's just such a natural shade but it's that tiny bit darker and that, to me makes it more special than your average nude. I find it leans slightly purple on me (not really demonstrated in this pic though). It's a Satin finish, which isn't my favourite but i'll forgive it. If i want a lighter shade i'll mix it with Honeylove or Myth.

MAC Vegas Volt (above) is my other winter pick of the year so far. It's a colour i'd usually associate more with summer, but for some reason i've felt like it's brightened up my cold, tired face on a couple of occasions recently. I'd usually go more for Morange in the run up to Xmas but, my hair is a little too purple-ish for it at the moment in my opinion so i substituted it for the, slightly pinker, Vegas Volt.

So those are what makeup shades are floating my boat for Autumn/Winter. I haven't done a makeup look post in a while so i think that, next week, i will combine a few of these products and show you my 'Winter Face'.

What colours are floating your boat this season?? Do you make a bold statement or keep it natural and glowy??

Monday, 19 November 2012

QVC has Spring/Summer '13 SORTED!

Good afternoon beauty seekers!
I attended a thoroughly FABULOUS event last Thursday that really knocked my socks off! The lovely ladies at Mischief PR invited me along to the QVC S/S'13 Press Day to check out all the latest releases from all their top brands! Seriously, i was sooooo excited! I took along the lovely Alice (SuperGorgeous) along with me and we made a night of it! I went a bit giddy with the photos for this one, ladies.....

The event was held in a STUNNING penthouse apartment in central London. I'd move in there tomorrow if they didn't have a massive tank of fish (don't even go there)!! From the moment we walked in we were greeted by an array of beautiful things and there was more to be found around every corner!

Nails Inc were giving manicures to show off their new releases for next year. Alice got a gorgeous leather effect mani! There was also OPI and Ciate nail porn on display for us to ogle. And i can FINALLY say that i own Seche Vite topcoat now so i can't wait to test that out!

What can i say, I made a beeline for the BeneFit goodies the second i walked in! Hayley from MischiefPR was kind enough to show me all the gorgeous gift sets QVC are offering and let me swatch WHATEVER i wanted! I now have a BeneFit wishlist that certainly does not match my student bank balance haha.

It wouldn't be QVC without a bit of Liz Earle would it?? Well they had the full range of makeup products on show to be played with! 

HOW GORGEOUS IS THIS MALLY PALETTE?!?! More to follow on this because i actually have one sitting on my vanity, ready to be blogged! Total Naked dupe! 

Here are just some of the sweet treats on offer on the night! Yes, those rings are made of chocolate!! And just look at the skull cupcakes! 

And speaking of skulls.... I was in total awe of this STUNNING wrist cuff by Dennis & Charles. I think i actually dribbled a little! Unfortunately the dribble was later followed by tears of woe when i learned that it's £98. It's everything i love in ONE jewellery item haha. 

More beautiful pieces on display!

Lulu Guinness bags and Marta Johnson shoes! Love the nautical theme going on here! 

Possibly my favourite of the Lulu Guinness on show on the night was the 'Annabelle' bag. Check out those lips! Gorgeous. 

I'll finish off with this amazing interior design story that was on display. This really appealed to the vintage lover in me and has given me MASSIVE inspiration to create things in these colours. Perhaps i will start crocheting another afghan....

The evening taught me that i MUST pay more attention to QVC in the coming months. There are always great deals to be had and they're always adding new stuff! QVC and the girls from Mischief did an AMAZING job. Congratulations on a fabulous event everyone, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and feel very spoiled! 

Make sure you keep an eye on ladies! You're in for a TREAT next year!

Thursday, 15 November 2012

My Handmade Obsession

Good afternoon lovelies!! 
I've been a busy busy bee for a couple of weeks and the blog has been totally neglected. I started a new job on top of being back and forth back to the Shire for University. So before i head off to events tonight i have had a total revamp of my layout and colours and started to schedule posts for the rest of this week. Call it a fresh start if you will. I need to work myself out a new schedule. Today I want to talk to you today about my new found obsession for craft.

(Like Hello Kitty, but with Kraft instead hehe.... with a K. Clever lil me)

Some of you may know that i have had a store on Etsy for a little while now, selling cute, quirky, decorated iPhone cases. Well i've recently discovered that i have a talent for Crochet!! So i decided to expand! I'm still pretty new to it but i've been AMAZED at how fast i'm learning. I used a combination of books and youtube tutorials and within 2 weeks i have mastered the basics. 

I plan to sell my items on my Etsy store as i am REALLY enjoying crochet and, lets face it, there are only so many things i can make for myself. I also have several Christmas presents on the go for family and friends, including snoods, hats and blankets. 
All the yarn/wool i use comes from Charity shops, and i love that i can support good causes whilst doing something i enjoy. This little lot came from the British Red Cross, but i have also raided Sue Ryder and Trinity Hospice shops. 

Popcorn Beanie Hats! 

 These will be available in various colours on Etsy and will be made to order. I will add all links at the end of this post.

This is my first ever blanket. It's a GIANT granny square! Still a work in progress (it's grown a LOT since this photo was taken and is still going). I'm making it for a very dear friend as a special Christmas present. She deserves every bit of love and time that has gone into it, trust me. 

Please head over to my Etsy Store and have a nosey! I currently have several iPhone cases waiting for new homes at really good prices. Crochet items will be added in the next week but feel free to message me if there is something specific you would like me to work on for you or someone you love.

Also PLEEEEEEASE could all my lovely followers pop over to Facebook and LIKE the Hello Krafty Page!! I'll be posting upcoming projects on there and would love to have the support of my blog followers in this new venture! 

What are your crafts of choice?? Do you love vintage/handmade items?? Feel free to link me to your own Etsy store and i'll make sure i add you to my favourites!
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