Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Lush: Wind me down 'n' Wake me UP!!

So i must have been the last person on the PLANET to find Lush's website. I'd been depressing for ages that i wasn't well enough to make it into Derby or Sheffield/Meadowhall (which are my nearest stores). 

I first posted on Lush last month. I really was soooo EXCITED (saddo lol). Read my original shopping list here... Because of my illness I'm always on the look out for things to help me sleep better at night as well as to wake me up in the daytime. Chronic fatigue really does some really odd things to my body and discomfort is a major issue at night. 
When i made the order i just thought I'd mention at the end about my condition and i asked for any other product recommendations they could think of to perhaps help in easing some of my symptoms... Imagine my surprise and JOY when my parcel finally arrived and the lovely Becky J who had packed my order had included some WONDERFUL samples (Becky, you're the BEST). 

In addition to my Dreamtime Bath Melt, Twilight Bath Ballistic, Rockstar Soap and Comforter..... They sent me sample sizes in Flying Saucer and Smargandine Bubble Baths, Whoosh and Dirty Spring Wash Shower Gels and Sore Labours and Therapy Massage Bars. All this AND a full-size Dream Cream!! In short.... they SPOILED ME ROTTEN!!! 
Almost brought a little tear to my eye. I'm sure a company as popular as Lush doesn't HAVE to be giving away freebies, but I just found them so thoroughly NICE and you don't get customer service like that often these days. 
I haven't used ALL of the products i got sent yet. My review on the Dreamtime Bath Melt will follow in a couple of days as i plan to use it tomorrow night and i will do a special post on their recommendations/sample products.
Thank you so much Lush... you made my day :)



  1. That's so lovely! Be sure to let me know how you get on with them all :o) xxx

  2. I definitely will Hannah! Gonna post a couple of reviews from this haul. Just seems a shame to use some of it... it looks so LOVELY haha xxx

  3. Aww so sweet of them! :) Can't wait to hear about bath melts I never really know what they are!

  4. That was so lovely of them! Its so rare for a company to send samples like that now days! My nearest Lush is 4 hours away but I cant wait wait to try some of there stuff! x


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