Sunday, 31 July 2011


Hey there lovely ladies!!
I'm blogging today to announce the WINNERS of my
  Sigma E25/Barry M GIVEAWAY!!
Very exciting indeed!!

I did it the conventional way in the end using All entries were numbered and fed into the site and it chucked 3 random numbers back at me. Job done. I was really hoping that i could get a few numbers from the generator and then somehow let the ferrets decide the final 3 but both are curled up asleep on my bed and, quite frankly I'm enjoying the calm haha.

Soooo onto the WINNERS!! 

Prize 1) Sigma E25 Travel Blending Brush - Confessions of a Makeup Aholic

Prize 2) 2x Barry M Nail Paints of your choice - Jess 

Prize 3) A Barry M Nail Paint and a choice of a Barry M Blusher OR Lipgloss - Faye

I have sent emails to all 3 winners and would be grateful if I could get a return email detailing your product choices and posting details (so i can send you your goodies)!!
Alternatively you can contact me via Twitter (@LisaClare82) with these details. Prizes will be sent as soon as i have these details and have got all the prizes.

Thank you soooo much to EVERYONE who entered! I will DEFINITELY be holding another Giveaway when i reach 200 followers.

In Other News....
Today is a special day in my house. My little babies are growing up!! 
It is my ferret Pedro's FIRST BIRTHDAY today! And as my other fur-kid Jasper was a rescue but is almost EXACTLY the same age (maybe a couple of weeks older, but don't know an exact date) I have decided to celebrate their birthday on the same day. 



Even though i had to leave them home alone today while i went to work they have had LOTS of cuddles and treats. They had a SPECIAL treat of some Whiskas kitten milk which they LOVE and I've made them a CAKE.... out of chicken and ferret kibble haha. It even has chicken jelly icing and a candle! No photos though I'm afraid. Camera is out of batteries! Booooo!

They even were thoughtful enough to leave me a 'present' of my own.... in the corner in the kitchen. However, all little accidents are excused for today. Love my lil fuzz-butts millions :)


  1. Ohhh how cute, happy birthday pedro and jasper hehe! :)
    Lucky me winning! Thanks again for holding the giveaway! x

  2. What a nice surprise! :)

    Happy Birthday Jasper & Pedro :) x


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