Saturday, 16 July 2011

Review: Soap&Glory 'Flake Away' Spa Body Polish

Hello again girlies!!
I've been absent since Tuesday and its been KILLING ME! Laptop charger totally ceased to operate (well it actually BLEW UP spectacularly) and so have had an AGONISING 4 day wait for a replacement to be delivered. Actually felt like I've been GAGGED all week! 
So I'm back and I have decided that, from now on, I am gonna AIM for at least one post every day for as long as i have things to post about. 

So I'm kicking off with Soap&Glory Flake Away which is a Body Polish with Shea Butter, Sugar and Peach Seed Powder. It also has Sea Salt, Grapeseed and Almond Oil. 

I love Soap&Glory for cute packaging that always manages to sucker me into buying their products and the GORGEOUS, yummy scents that make me wanna coat myself in them every day.

I'd been on the lookout for a good body polish since I purchased my first bottle of Xen Tan Dark Lotion and it became very clear that my cheapo Superdrug own brand scrub wasn't up to the job. I know that Xen Tan have their own body scrub/polish in the range but I just wanted to see if i could pick up a more affordable one. This one was around £6-7 for a 300ml tub (I'm useless at remembering prices).

I didn't go for the other Soap&Glory scrub (i forget its name) as I'd heard some negative comments on it through the blogging grapevine and i liked the idea of the Shea Butter and Almond oil in Flake Away for extra moisturising and smoothing properties. 

So this is a scrub that is obviously designed for those with dry, flaky skin types. I do not have flaky skin but I just thought that this would make for an awesome base for the Xen Tan and make my skin feel extra smooth. And it actually did!

This scrub has the most wonderful Peach fragrance. My entire bathroom permanently smells like this now. The grains are big and plenty and don't feel too harsh on the skin. 

How do I Scrub Thee??
"Apply a handful of Flake Away onto damp skin and massage in circular motions until most of the grains are gone. Rinse well, pat dry and apply body glossing oil or moisture butter."

Now the only part of these instructions that i actually AGREE with is the apply and massage part. You would have to be massaging for a LONG time for these grains to disappear as there are so many and don't go anywhere in a hurry. It is also quite difficult and time consuming to rinse due to the oily texture so i would DEFINITELY recommend using this product in the shower rather than in a bath. 

Similarly, as this product leaves and oil-like residue is does mean that it makes quite a mess of the bathtub. I have to give it a good blast and scrub after every use to get rid of it all. Yes, it's a bit YUK but it just proves how much it removes from the skin.
The GREAT thing about this scrub is how silky and smooth my skin feels after using this product. The oils really do the skin a favour and, although it recommends to follow up with a moisturiser, I don't ALWAYS feel i have to do this. 

To sum it up I'd say this scrub is MESSY..... but makes my skin feel LUSH, smells delicious and provides a great base for my Xen Tan. I'd recommend it for those with dry skin as a boost for your moisturiser OR I'd say it'd be a great 2-in-1 type product for those who do not need a heavy moisturiser. 

What do you girls buff yourselves with?? Any other Soap&Glory faves?? 

1 comment

  1. I absolutely love this scrub! I love to use this scrub every time before I tan, I love how soft it leaves your skin :)


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