Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Lil MAC Haul (Small but Perfect)

Hello gorgeous ladies!
So I couldn't let the last week go by without ordering from the new MAC Semi-Precious collection.
My budget is virtually PEANUTS so i had to think long and hard about which item(s) would really benefit me and get me all excited.
Eventually i plumped for the Mineralise SkinFinish in Goldstone. This has been my only SP purchase so far (probably not the last but i need to pace myself and my bank account for more haha). However, I did manage to stretch a little further by ordering something i have wanted for a little while now.... Vegas Volt lippy (amplified).

And it appeared on my mat this morning!! Woohoo!!
So after my initial ripping open of the box and tryin not to squeal when i took out the MSF which is the most BEAUTIFUL thing I've ever seen EVER (maybe an exaggeration but I'm soooooo chuffed that i have it), I decided to start putting it on my face!

I must apologise because, in my giddy excitement i forgot to swatch Goldstone BUT I will add a swatch photo as soon as the sun comes out tomorrow. **NOW ADDED**

Seriously now, no exaggerations, I applied this like i would a bronzer (as that seemed the most obvious way to apply for starters - I'm an MSF virgin and need more time to experiment) and it honestly made me look like i'd just come back from a fortnight in Spain! My face just lit up like a lightbulb and it gives the loveliest bronzey sheen!
I'd say this can be as subtle or as BRONZE as you like depending on your skintone and how much you can build it. The central colour is just a gorgeous, pale highlight shade with glints of rosey pink and light beige while the main, darker part of the pan is the prettiest bronze i have put on my face so far this year (or any year for that matter). Blended they give a subtle bronze with HIGH shimmer factor that just makes your face GLOW!

Vegas Volt has had me so excited for a while now. I saw it and i wanted it. I'm totally in LOVE with my MAC Morange so its kind of inevitable that i would lust after Vegas Volt.

A few people commented that maybe i didn't need VV if i had Morange, as the two appear so similar. I did feel, however, that VV would be the more wearable sister to Morange. I have swatched them next to each other so that you can see the subtle differences. The differences are more apparent when it is applied to the lip but VV is definitely more pinkish in tone as a coral and not heavily orange like Morange. It is also much more subtle on the lip than i expected it to be which i LOVE because it means i can wear it LOTS!!

Left: Vegas Volt, Right: Morange

So here's the finished result using both new items.... They actually go really well together for a summer look with a little gold on the eyes. Instant holiday effect!!

What products did you ladies purchase from the Semi-Precious Collection? Whats your favourite shade of lippy for summer?


  1. This looks gorgeous! I wish I didn't have to buy work clothes with the small amount of money I have atm! I've wanted vegas volt for a while now, it's deffs going to be my first mac purchase


  2. Wow Vegas Volt really suits you! Great purchase!

  3. Oh you look so pretty!!! Love the MSF! Didn't expect it to look that great.. Must get my hands on it! And Ever hip looks stunning on you.. Loved the swatch btw and how you compared it with Morange.. Very helpful.. Thanks sweetie!


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