Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Summer Blush Crush Pt2: Illamasqua SOPHIE

So it appears I've developed ANOTHER unexpected summer blush crush in recent weeks... and it just so happens that it's ANOTHER Illamasqua product. You can read about my obsession with Illamasqua cream blush in Rude Here but the product I want to talk about today is their powder blush in S.O.P.H.I.E. 

Before I start to wax lyrical about how much I love this blush, I'd just like to take a bit of time to explain how Illamasqua and S.O.P.H.I.E came to pass. These products are named in memory of a girl named Sophie Lancaster who was tragically beaten along with her partner just because they looked different and dressed differently. Sadly, Sophie passed away from her injuries that night but her memory and name live on in the charity set up by her mother, Sylvia, who now dedicates her life to educating young people on tolerance and accepting people from all walks of life nomatter how they look or dress. Her tireless efforts were noticed by Illamasqua and, together, they are raising awareness. I'd love it if you'd take the time (if you haven't already) to read a little more about Sophie's story and watch the video commissioned by Illamasqua illustrating Sophie's final moments. Both can be found Here on the Illamasqua website and are truly touching as well as inspirational.

Sophie's namesake blush came as part of the Generation Q collection released by Illamasqua in September 2012. I'm so late to the party with this collection and finally came upon this blush just last month but I'm more than making up for it now. Illamasqua describe this shade as a golden coral shimmer, which is pretty spot on in my view. The shade can look slightly different in different lights. In these photos the light has brought out the pink in it, but in other lights it can look more reddened but it is just stunning. It's a similar colour to BeneFit Coralista but, true to Illamasqua, it's deeper and more pigmented and has more of a sparkle to it, whereas Coralista has more of a subtle 'sheen'. S.O.P.H.I.E highlights perfectly as well as adding a beautiful coral flush.

I apply this product with my Real Techniques blush brush or my MAC 168 depending on what effect I'm going for. If I want a full of flush of coral I'll use the former and, for more precise application to the cheekbones, the latter. Guess I'm a bit whited out in this photo from having to stand RIGHT next to the window, but you can still see it on my cheekbones. Where did the sunshine go, seriously?? It's all dark again.

Do you go nuts for Illamasqua blushers?? What are your favourite shades?? Were you touched by Sophie Lancaster's story??


  1. ALWAYS go nuts for Illamasqua blushes! Actually, Illamasqua everything.

    And I bought a S.O.P.H.I.E wristband about 2 years ago. Have NEVER taken it off. (Sexy)

    1. Think we should start an I.A support group for those struggling with Instagram habits they can't afford haha.... Ps. You don't need the wristband to look sexy, you hottie ;) x

    2. Bloody phone auto corrected Illamasqua to Instagram.... WTF?! Lol

  2. You know I love this blush too - its a beauty and the quality is of course fantastic!

    1. It seems to have quite a following! Glad I'm in the club now too :D xx

  3. Replies
    1. YOU'RE NOT BLOODY WRONG!! I'm in luuuuuurve with it! I wanna sleep with it under my pillow at night lol (weirdo) xx

  4. Wow this blush is so pretty and perfect for summer!!! :D

    Rebecca xx

    1. It's the gold shimmer that makes it! Beautiful x

  5. I'm so glad you liked it, it looks so much better on you than it did me :) xxx

    1. Thanks Charli Char! If it weren't for you I probably never would have justified the purchase. Loving Aurora too btw xxx

  6. It looks amazing on you! x

  7. This looks SO pretty - ideal for spring/summer :) xx


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