Monday, 8 August 2011

IT'S BACK!! AOTM - August 2011

I've finally got a replacement iPhone!! Okay so i've officially DOWNgraded from the 4 to the 3g but I really wasn't getting along with the Blackberry i had and feel much more comfortable with an iph0ne in my hand. I hope the lil thief who took my original iPhone from the college salon is happy with her de-activated, blocked BRICK. I adored that phone.
So, now, after a 2 month gap since i started my....
 Beauty App of the Month 
series, I can finally get back with my second pick of the most GORGEOUS apps on the web!! I do try where i can to find apps that are also available for the Android market so, even if you do not use an iPhone, I may feature an app for you  in future AOTM posts so don't despair!!
This month's AOTM goes tooooo.....

Marie Claire Beauty Genius!!!

^^ Click to view in iTunes ^^

This app is brought to you by Marie Claire magazine in association with Bobbi Brown and offers celebrity trends, step by step make up and hair tutorials and up to the minute Spring/Summer looks available to download to your iPhone. Every product used in every video is listed with the option to save as a kind of 'shopping list' for reference. 

Once you have downloaded a featured video it remains available to watch as many times as you like without having to download again. 
All of the looks are EXTREMELY wearable for Summer
All the latest catwalk plaits and hair trends
So many Celebrity tips and tricks! 
Provides all the links to Bobbi Brown, Marie Claire Website, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube profiles.
You can email requests for looks you want to see added to the app.
Easy to navigate with a high quality user interface
The tutorials are easy to understand and follow

It features, almost exclusively, Bobbi Brown products and doesn't offer alternatives (i know this is because the app is endorsed by BB but i, for one cannot afford their products)
You need a GOOD mobile internet (or preferably wifi) connection to be able to use the app. It can be VERY slow or just not work at all if network connection is dodgy. 
The music played with the videos is sooooo ANNOYING!! 

The app is FREE and the iTunes store rating for the current version is **** up from *** for the original version (they very recently updated it). To view it in iTunes and read further reviews click on the picture above. 

So until next month... Hope you enjoyed this Beauty-on-the-Go type review. Can't believe how relieved i feel  to have an iPhone again! Missed my apps!!

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