Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Sleek: Mediterranean Collection


Well, he hasn't really it was just my faithful postie but I've been like an overexcited, impatient 5yr old all WEEK ever since i ordered from Sleek last Wednesday.

The reason being that this was no ordinary Sleek order... I ordered the NEW Mediterranean Collection which was released last week (Wednesday 8th June).

This post is my initial impressions of the collection BEFORE i have got down to the serious task of PLAYING with it! 

So the Collection is made up of: 

- Monaco iDivine Palette

- Santorini Blush

- Monte Carlo Pout Polish

As you can see the packaging is REALLY different to the usual, understated, simple Sleek packaging. The picture actually reminds me of the view from outside a bar in Puerto Colon, Tenerife that i used to visit when i lived there. 

So i will begin with the Monte Carlo Pout polish and work my way up to the main event which is, without a DOUBT, the Monaco iDivine palette.

So here's what Sleek say about it... 

A hot pink tinted lip condition balm enriched with jojoba, avocado, and sweet almond oil to nourish, with SPF 15 to protect your lips from those summer rays! Apply a thin coat to create a natural sheen, or build to create magenta pink lips. Best worn with our Santorini blush and our Monaco i-Divine for the perfect Mediterranean summer look!

I say they're just about spot on! I haven't swatched this for this post as i plan on doing a little FOTD/EOTD with these later on and you will see the effect for yourself there. I did put a quick layer on after i took the photos for this post and it gave a really nice subtle pink tint to the lips and it feels and smells DIVINE! It smells like cocoa butter and is still on my lips after a cup of tea so it's passed the first hurdle haha. I haven't tried layering it up yet but i will be doing that experiment later.

Next is the Santorini Blush...

Sleek said....

A highly pigmented hot pink blush, sweep on to cheekbones lightly for the perfect day time pinky flush, or build for a dramatic evening look. Best worn with our Monaco i-Divine and Monte Carlo Pout Polish to achieve that Mediterranean Summer look.

(as you can tell they obviously want you to buy the whole set, but i didn't take ANY persuading hehe)

This blush i sooooo PRETTY! I was initially a bit dubious of the colour as i find that intense pinks don't always work on me. But this blended really well for the swatch that i did so i'm hoping that when i DO put it on my face i can achieve the same pink flush... or slap it on and go BRIGHT! (You'll find out which i choose LATER).

As you can see from the swatch it is totally matte without a hint of shimmer, but i think it's so highly pigmented it would look TOO bright if it did have that shimmer. (The glittery bits you can see on my arm are totally un-blush related haha). 

So onto the MAIN EVENT!! 

Which, for me was always going to be the Monaco iDivine Palette

Here's what Sleek say....

Inspired by the Mediterranean, this 12 shade palette is the perfect addition to your summer make-up. Choose from sunset oranges and browns, or breezy turquoise to highlight your holiday tan! Best worn with our hot pink Monte Carlo pout polish and Santorini blush to achieve the perfect Mediterranean summer look.

Colours are as follows:

Top Row (l-r)

Bamboo, Aquamarine, Midnight Garden, Sunset, Washed Ashore and Magenta Madness

Bottom Row (l-r)

Summer Breeze, Sand Walker, Kiwi Zest, Lotus Flower, Hummingbird, Moors Treasure

I HAVE swatched them.... BUT I didn't go to town on the swatches because i just couldn't get the right light in my dark little flat, which was a total let down as i was REALLY looking forward to swatching these. Here's the best i could do with what i had...

So as you can see all are SPECTACULARLY pigmented and will be great for summer. I can already see that Sunset, Washed Ashore and Kiwi Zest will get used a LOT by me over the summer and I can't wait to experiment with the other colours! 

As i said before I will be doing a FOTD/EOTD with these. Which ought to be HILARIOUS because i'm only going to work at the pub tonight and i think i will be a little over-done for serving 50 old ladies their 3 course dinner. But it should raise a few comments among them. They aways seem to comment if i've done my nails or put some tan on haha (bless). 

So until then... I hope you've enjoyed perving over the collection as much as i have! These items ARE still available to order from

Did you rush out and buy this collection? What did you think of it? What are your favourite products/colours? 

Would also love to hear your OTHER favourite Sleek products.



  1. The pout polish and the blush are to die for!!!!

    Can't wait to see ur FOTD!! =D

  2. Looks fab, I wish they done Sleek here in Ireland. x

  3. I wanted to buy the blush and pout polish but the superdrug I went to had sold out so I'll have to order online! xxx

  4. They look great, I love pink :-) x

  5. I think the blush might be a little vibrant for me (i already have my peepers on rose gold) but the pout polish looks amazing


  6. Im not really into bright eyes but I loveee the look of that palette! The colours are fab! Cant wait to see what the pout polish & blusher are like on you. x

  7. ahhh that bright pink blush is sooo pretty! it looks similar to nars desire...

  8. The blush is SCARY! I'm about to post my FOTD using it and i think i will have to experiment with different application methods for it as it is so vibrant!

    It's definitely one to use with a tan :)

    Thank you for all your lovely comments


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