Friday, 24 June 2011

NOTD: Orly Basket Case

Sorry I haven't blogged for a few days ladies!

Had MAJOR stress on to finish all my college assessments. I'd fallen a bit behind due to the time I've had to have off because of my ME/CFS and TODAY was the portfolio DEADLINE!

Well I am happy to report that I completed my course YESTERDAY and it's such a weight off my (very achey) shoulders :)

Thought I'd celebrate with a new nail polish! The college beauty salon retails Orly nail polishes and I'd resisted them very successfully all year so I treated myself to one. There were a couple I wanted but I was limited on cash (probably for the best haha) 

They retail at college for £8.75 (as they are a salon brand) but i got a student discount so got mine for £7. But you get a WHOPPING 18ml of product. And i LOVE that the top is rubberised for grip (no more getting frustrated when i can't unscrew the polish i want). 

Basket case is a GORGEOUS pink! It may even take over from BarryM Pink Flamingo as my FAVOURITE pink (but it's more purply toned than PF). The formulation and pigmentation (ooooh big words, Lisa) are really good and it was VERY easy to apply. I'd even go as far as to say that a single coat would have been plenty, but I usually do 2 just out of habit. It would, however be great for a quick application. Didn't take long to dry either.

If you can't get Orly near you a good dupe for Basket Case would be Bourjois So Laque in Rose Vamp. I put them next to each other and there isn't a HUGE difference in colour except the Orly finish is so much glossier!

In Other News....

I have suffered a BEREAVEMENT! I almost feel like a part of me has died.


It went missing in the college salon last night and still no sign of it today. I hope whoever removed it from behind the dispensary realises that what they have in their possession is now little more than a very expensive BRICK!! I have had both the phone and SIM blocked until it, or a replacement, can be found.

Bless my dad who sprung to my aid like a knight in shining armour "You can borrow my phone Lisa, I hardly use it". My dad's phone, which he proudly announces on a regular basis is a Nokia that he purchased for £8 ("Reduced from £12, you know!)

Pictured actual size haha

So I thought I'd give you all a good giggle by sharing this £8 wonder with you.... I can barely even USE it! And I CERTAINLY can't tweet from it. So I may be a little quieter on the Twitter front for a wee while.



  1. What a gorgeous colour, aww I'd be lost without my Blackberry, hope you find it. :-) x

  2. Such a gorgeous pink colour!

    I hope you find your phone! x

  3. Ohhhh pretty pink so sorry about your phone I think I would die if my iphone went missing xx

  4. Oh that is SUCH a pretty color!! hahah your dad is funny :) Everytime something happens to my blackberry, I promise to become less reliant on technology. But I go back as soon as it starts working haha:)


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