Monday, 3 October 2011

And the Angel is........

Hey there lovelies.....

Time to announce the WINNER of my
Halo Hair Giveaway!!!

I've been soooooo excited for you all because i know how HAPPY i was when i received MY Halo and thank you sooooo MUCH to everyone who entered. 

Anyhoo.... I numbered all your entries and fed them into which then spat back at me a random number.

And the winner IS...... ** Drumroll PLEASE**

Congratulations babycakes!!! Halo will have your 20" Clip in set sent off to you THIS week so you should be looking FABULOUS by the weekend!!

Thank you again to all that entered and I can't wait to bring you another Giveaway VERY soon!! 

If you're still DESPERATE for your own Halo I STILL have a very special discount code for readers of this blog to get 10% OFF any Halo at

Simply type in the code HALOLOVESLISA when you check out online.

And don't forget to check them out on Facebook and Twitter for regular giveaways, competitions and general chatter (they really are LOVELY) 
Congratulations again to Holly (check out her blog if you haven't already cos its AWESOME) and thank you once again to you all for entering


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