Sunday, 21 October 2012

Late Night Lippy Lovin': Loreal Color Riche, Electric Fuchsia

Good evening again beauty seekers!!
ANOTHER late night lippy swatching extravaganza for you tonight. This time in the form of Loreal Color Riche lipstick in shade 402 - Electric Fuchsia. I was very kindly given this lipstick by the lovely Yu as she hadn't got along very well with it and thought it might be up my alley. So i gave it a bash and i thought i'd share my thoughts on it as you don't, generally, see an awful lot of Loreal on this blog.

This lipstick is VERY attractive in the bullet. On first impressions you could think it was a dupe of MAC Girl About Town (which i STILL do not own). Sadly, it's not, but it's not without its redeeming features!! In fact, i've had ups AND downs with this lippy.

The thing i noticed first when i put this on is the SMELL!! It smells bloody AWFUL!! Like old lady perfume and pot pourri!! Blehhhh.... However, it feels nice and moisturising on the lips which means it's a pleasure to wear and doesn't feel drying which makes up for it. 

The biggest surprise i got with this lipstick is how SHEER it is! In a way this is a blessing, but it also disappointed me slightly, as the colour in the bullet really is stunning. This swatch was built up a bit for the sake of this photo, as is the lip swatch below. The sheer nature of the product would most likely appeal to those who are a little shy of brights, but still want to experiment with a wash of colour. Alternatively, if you're a BIG fan of bright but want something more toned down for work/daytime wear, then this could be the fuchsia lippy for you!

After weighing it up... I DO like this lipstick. It definitely has a place in my collection, but the heavy scent of the product really does put me off it. If you don't mind scented lipsticks, then great, but if you're not a fan i'd steer clear. 

Have you tried any Loreal lip products lately? What did you think? Are there more vibrant shades in the range? Is it worth me investigating?


  1. Shame about the scent, looks gorgeous :)

    Sophierosehearts x

  2. Ugh I hate it when they smell gross but I guess generally the scent disappears when applied so I might be able to ignore it! The colour does look pretty and I prefer something a bit more sheer for day wear anyway so this looks lovely! xx

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