Saturday, 13 October 2012

Late Night Lippy Lovin': Look Beauty Toffee Cup

Good evening my lovelies! 
Late late late post tonight as i've been off gallivanting around the new Primark on Totty Court Rd all afternoon hehe (more on that to follow over on BrunetteBeautyBuzz tomorrow), but i couldn't let a whole week pass without bringing you my opinions on SOMETHING! So much University drama AGAIN this week, so my silence couldn't be helped really. My apologies. BUT i'm here tonight to talk about Look Beauty!!

Just like NYX the other week, Look Beauty is a brand that i've heard and read a LOT about but never really had access to until i moved down to London in July. Imagine my GLEE to find that my new local Superdrug stocks it!! Being the way that i am, i automatically went straight for the lippy and, being the way that i am, was bound to gravitate towards the nearest pinky-nude. So this brings us to the shade Toffee Cup!! 

This is such a creamy shade! It is very moisturising on my lips and has a taste like it may contain some kind of cocoa or shea butter (i can't seem to find any info to confirm this on the Look Beauty Website, but it tastes that way to me). One application was enough to give a lovely creamy toffee pink shade, although one coat doesn't seem to last that long (around 2-3hrs ish) so i'd recommend blotting it and applying a second layer or setting it with a powder to ensure greater longevity. 
This is a shade that, i think, is pretty universal skintone-wise. I'm pretty much slap bang in the middle but i can see it working on paler/cooler tones or even slightly darker skins. 

My ONE and only grumble?? The packaging. This lipstick costs £7 which is probably about right for the quality of the lipstick, but the casing lets it down a little for me. It has this magnetic-type thing going on to keep the lid on, but i frequently find that it comes off very easily and it makes me a bit wary to carry it around with me for that reason. I also find it a bit bulky. HOWEVER, this would not put me off buying this lipstick in other shades (i've currently got my beady eye on Rock Candy - a pretty, bright shade of pink).

All in all i am satisfied with my first Look Beauty purchase! I now feel totally justified in exploring their ranges a little further (sorry Mr. NatWest). If you'd like to view this, and all the other Look Beauty lipstick shades, or to browse their full range of products i'd highly recommend their website 
Look Beauty is also available in selected Superdrug stores!!

Do you love Look Beauty?? Which of their products do you rate?? Do you go nuts for a pinky-nude lippy too??



  1. Great colour. Bet it looks great with your hair colour


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