Friday, 11 May 2012

My Lip Heroine

Evening ladies!!
Cracking on with this post whilst i'm waiting for the glue to dry on some iPhone cases i'm working on tonight. Gotta love organised time management!! 
As most you may know i have been out to play in London this week. So gutted to be back in deepest, darkest Derbyshire again BUT...... Upon my return home i was greeted very warmly by THIS little beauty...

MAC Heroine Lipstick (Matte)

I can't say this is a colour that i would automatically fall over myself to buy but i'm a sucker for Loreleicakes on Instagram (if you don't follow her then do it NOW, she's an amazing MAC artist and sickeningly beautiful to boot) and it looked so stunning on that i just HAD to order it. It came out with the Reel Sexy collection of lipsticks so is LE so i snapped it up while i could. To be honest, none of the lipsticks from the new Hey,Sailor collection grabbed me at all so this was a great consolation. 

MAC describe this shade as Bright Violet/Purple which is spot on. I tend to be a lot bolder with my lipstick choices when my hair is darker but i did fear that (teamed with my new nose piercing) it may make me look a bit..... well.... GOTH!! But i am happy to report that it is not as dark as it may look once it's applied. I took a 'softly softly' approach with it to begin with but in the end i just whacked it on and loved the colour!! 

Here's the photo of it in natural light. This lipstick is actually quite true to the bullet colour but not as cool in tone as it appeared to me in online swatches which is great. To me it seems quite grape-y in colour once applied to the lips. I do love a good purple as, although my skintone is warm (NC30), i have green eyes and purple makes them POP right out! 

PLEASE excuse how rough i look above. I'd literally JUST stepped in from London having been on trains and buses for hours (and up since the crack of dawn thanks to some extremely inconsiderate polish decorators). 

So all in all this is another MAC matte hit for me! I seem to have bought 3 matte lipsticks of theirs lately (the other two are Quick Sizzle and Honeylove) and their formula really is so superior to other matte lipsticks in my opinion. I didn't set out on purpose to order matte lipsticks but it just so happened that the colours that appealed to me just happened to be matte.

I know most people went nuts for the Reel Sexy lipstick from this collection, but i urge you to consider Heroine as it's so fantastically different to other lipsticks around at the moment! If you're too unsure and don't wanna risk the £13.50 for Heroine, i hear Max Factor have a lovely deep purple shade as well. 

Heroine is available while stocks last on the MAC website and MAC stores and concessions.

Have you dared to be different with colours recently?? What are your latest MAC must haves??


  1. It is an amazing shade. Love your nose piercing too. I've got my nose pierced, I got it done when I was 13 because I thought it would make me look cool and I've still got it 13 years later. I still don't look cool mind but you do! X

  2. oh wow this is fab loveeee that color!!! really suits ur dark hair!

  3. This is my fav lipstick as well. I love it. here is what it looks like on me

  4. This colour is insane and I LOVE it! I'm pretty bold with my lips when I'm going out for an evening so this is one I would 100% wear :) looks amazing on you! xx

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