Friday, 3 February 2012

Nicki Minaj for OPI Mini Collection: My thoughts...

Good evening beauty seekers!!
Tonight's slice of blog tart is dedicated to nail polish!! And not just ANY nail polish, but the Nicki Minaj collaboration with OPI!! I was lucky enough to stumble across these for a VERY good price in a discount beauty shop that i know in Chesterfield. (If you're local, it's called Dolled Up and is just up from the Vicar Lane area of town.) They were selling the full sized polishes as well but i love the mini collections as it gives you more variety for, more or less, the same price. I also own the Pirates of the Caribbean collection which i have blogged about in the past.

So here they are (L-R)
Did it on 'Em
A not too 'in ya face' acid yellow/green
A deep blue/green shade, like a cross between a turquoise and a teal. 
 Pink Friday
Nicki's signature shade. A perfect medium pink (although not as unique as it would like to be)
 Metallic 4 Life
Silver glitter contained in a black jelly-like polish.

I have played around with all of these polishes over the last week or so and can honestly say that there isn't  a shade i dislike. They're all very wearable colours and don't feel (to me) to be season specific which i like. I'm one of those who doesn't like to wear corals, oranges or pastels in winter time as i associate colours like that with spring/summer. Similarly, i dislike wearing dark or brown shades in the summertime as i feel they belong with the colder weather. There are polishes from the collection which are NOT included in the mini set so i can only review the ones that i have.
Formula-wise, these are exactly what you would expect from OPI. A couple of coats does the trick and the are fairly long wearing with the right topcoat. As usual my only grumble with OPI mini polishes is that the brush is TINY and you have to take great care to make sure you don't get a 'streaky' finish. 
Usually with a collection like this i would put up a NOTD for each shade as and when i wore them, but for this one i'm making an exception as i have used the first two shades TOGETHER.

Here is the result.....

BRIGHT Leopard Nails!!
As a rule, i don't have a steady enough hand for nail art, BUT as this is a Nicki Minaj collaboration i kind of felt inspired to do something a bit funky. So i glued on some falsies and had a play with the polishes when i got home this afternoon. (I am aware you can still see the tips but 3 coats of any polish to me is a major pain in the backside - On normal nails i doubt it would be an issue).

Here's what i did...

Dead Easy!!
1) Apply 2 coats of 'Fly' to the nails and allow to dry completely (i didn't use a base cos they were false nails but you might want to on natural nails)
2) Using the brush it comes with (OPI mini brushes may be tiresome but they're PERFECT for this) dab little dots of 'Did it on Em' randomly on each nail. No prizes for uniformity here.... Allow to dry.
3) Using any random liquid eyeliner (i used UD 24/7, partly cos its waterproof and partly because it was the nearest) draw little semi circles around your dots. I also added little black flecks here and there to add to the effect.
4) Allow to dry and seal the whole lot with a good layer of topcoat (any will do).

And the end result is pretty damn FUNKY!! 

So i suppose thats the first two out of the way already!! Pink Friday and Metallic 4 Life (i always want to call it METALLICA 4 Life for some reason.... must be the heavy metaller in me) will get their own NOTD posts in due course.

Do you own this collection?? Which shades are your favourite??



  1. This is such a cute look! They're probably my two least fav colours of the collection but they're still nice and I love how you've done them here! Really funky and happy- brightens up the cold grey Winter days! xx

    Visit The Other Side Of Cool
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  2. Love your nails! They are awesome :) I think the colours in this set is fab too, really want to get my hands on it xx


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