Sunday, 12 February 2012

Make Up Bag of The Week #2

Good evening ladies!
Late one tonight (i over-napped) but wanted a bit of blogging time to share with you all my makeup selections for the coming week. I have been trying really hard to rotate my makeup bag lately to get fuller use out of all my products. The last week or so was a bit of a fail because i have been a bit haphazard in the products i've been using due to special occasions and my visit to London for #ZOMGbloggersbash so it changed a bit through those weeks, but i'm narrowing it down again this week and plan to stick to the products i've selected. 

So there's the overview of this week's picks.
As usual my makeup bag staples (that i just can't do without) remain the same and will not be made a big fuss of in the main post. They are:
MAC Matchmaster Foundation (Shade 4)
MSFN (Medium Plus)
Collection2000 Lasting Perfection Concealer (Shade 3)

My last makeup bag post seemed to take on a 'bronzing' theme and this week i seem to have gone for more soft, pinky shades (maybe it's the approach of Valentine's Day). I don't do this consciously, but there always seems to be a trend in what products i pick from week to week. 

MAC Mineralise Skinfinish in Porcelain Pink
In addition to my regular MSFN i have actually selected ANOTHER for this week's bag. There's a bit of a story behind it actually. The other night on Twitter i was contemplating a blogsale and umming and ahh-ing about what to part with and what to keep hold of. And this product was a sure fire cert for the chop... Until i started actually TALKING about it with someone and studied it again and thought to myself "Y'know what.... I haven't given this enough of a chance and it really is rather pretty". I understand why MSF are so hard to part with as they really are beautiful. This one disappointed me somewhat when i first got it. It DOES have gold veining through it but it wasn't NEARLY as prominent when i actually got it out of the box when compared to swatches and photos i'd seen online. 
After swatching around with it again and wearing it yesterday i have decided that it works for me as a pretty pink-toned highlight which doubles up as lovely, shimmery eye shadow. So i popped it into this week's bag. 

MAC Sheertone Blush in Pink Swoon
I don't know many who don't LOVE this blush! It looks stunning in the pan, but is so sheer and gives such a pretty wash of girly pink (that can also be built up for more drama). It goes great with the MSF highlight i picked. I'm going to be sporting a fabulous girly pink glow this week!

I've plumped for two lippies again this week. I decided to give my beloved Shy Girl the week off in favour of two other equally effortless and soft colours from my MAC collection.

Creme Cup (Cremesheen)
Well one of the lipsticks was going to have to be pink wasn't it. This is the newest addition to my MAC lippy stash and i'm so glad i finally have it. I'd heard so many great things about it and it really does seem to be a fab all round 'suits-anyone' kinda shade. I do rather like a Cremesheen finish, although i know there are a few who aren't as keen. 

Viva Glam Gaga 2 (Amplified)
The second MAC/Gaga Viva Glam collaboration was always going to be a hit with me. I'm always on the lookout for the ultimate nude lip and this one really is FABULOUS!! I'm going to be so gutted when this runs out as it was an LE shade and will no longer be available. I have heard that a good dupe for this is GOSH 'Darling' but have yet to test this theory. Until then i have this badboy and i love it!! 

Sleek iDivine Palette in 'Oh So Special'
The first of my eye choices this week is one that i have been neglecting recently. I've got myself into a comfort zone of reaching for either my MUA Heaven&Earth or my coveted UD Naked palette and have pushed thoughts of my other palettes to the back of my mind, which is so wrong of me because i do LOVE every Sleek palette i own. Oh So Special was the obvious choice for this particular bag, given the other shades in the mix, but i picked it more for the contour shades than for the pinks (you'll see why in just a sec). The matte brown shades are also fine for filling in my brows, so no need for a seperate brow product.

BeneFit Creaseless Cream Shadowliner in 'Sippin'n'Dippin'
I own three of these shadows which i bought from a blogsale quite recently. I've always been a bit of a sceptic about cream formulas but am really coming around to them now. This shade in particular has a lovely warm goldy sheen to it which is a bit lighter than my skintone and when applied all over the lid makes my eyes pop right out!! My everyday staple look has now become this shadow all over my lid, followed by a contour shade (applied with a fluffy brush) into the crease and finished off with black liner. It stays on like a dream too and also doubles as a base for other shadows. The other shades i own are RSVP and Bunny Hop. You will probably find a post on these from me in the very near future.

VIVO Lengthening Mascara in Black
This is possibly my FAVOURITE budget mascara. It's by VIVO who sell through Tesco's but i picked this up at the October TOWIB event along with a few other bits, which was lucky for me as i live nowhere near a Tesco. This mascara contains fibres GALORE and i love that the brush doesn't pick up a truckload of product. I get no clumping from this product at all and it really is quite decent at adding length and colour to the lashes. I'd highly recommend it if you're popping down Tesco and in need of a new mascara. 

Liners for the week are as follows.....

Urban Decay 24/7 Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner
Not a lot for me to say about this product other than i LOVE it!! The brush is super easy to work with, it goes on a treat and it DOESN'T BUDGE!! This is one of the only liquid liners i've tried that gives me a perfectly smooth line and i dont always have to pull my eye around to get it either. I got this as part of my Book of Shadows IV but i will definitely be repurchasing!

Avon Glimmerstick Lipliner in Rich Ginger
I usually feel like i want a lip liner when I wear my Gaga 2 just because it is so nude and i like this one just to bring out my lips a little. It's not a bad colour for eyebrows either. I love Avon Glimmerstick products (not just because i am a rep) and the eyeliners are another favourite of mine. 

So those are this week's product picks. 
I realised that i haven't actually included a bronzer AT ALL this week, which is possibly a mistake. I have fake tanned though so my only issue will be for contouring and i can grab my Sleek Contour kit for that if i need it. 
If you have seen an item in any of my makeup bag posts that you would like more information on or to see me write a more detailed review of, do let me know and i'd be happy to oblige. 

What's in your makeup bag this week?? Are you getting all pink and romantic too??

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