Wednesday, 22 February 2012

STOP PRESS!!! Shop MAC....

Afternoon my gorgeous followers!!
Today is a GOOD day in the world of BBB. I received a little parcel earlier that has made my lipstick YEAR so far!! I made a cheeky little order from the Selfridges website over the weekend. As a few of you may know, the Shop MAC, Cook MAC collection is not officially released in the UK until next Thursday BUT Selfridges have had it exclusively on sale for a little while and i just HAD to order the shades i wanted BEFORE the big rush! I've only gone for lippy this time but OMG!!!

MAJOR Lipstick Porn!!!
The shades i went for were Naughty Saute and Quick Sizzle. I really did get a little giddy while i was unwrapping these!! I woke up this morning with a STINKING cold, but BOY did i find my second wind when these turned up! 

I've gone to town a bit on the photos for this post, purely because these lipsticks are so PRETTY!! I will take you through them one at a time.
DISCLAIMER: I really am feeling rough as a bag of spanners so please excuse how PALE and BAGGY i look in the photos haha. 

Naughty Saute (Bright Pepto-Pink)

Naughty Saute (Cremesheen) was the first thing that caught my eye when i stumbled across this collection. It really is the colour of Pepto-Bismol haha. It is a blue-based pink which kinda scared me a bit to start with because i REALLY did not get on with Saint Germain when i had that. However, i am DELIGHTED to report that this appears much warmer on than SG and is nowhere near as pale. The Cremesheen finish is possibly my favourite out of all the MAC finishes and, although Naughty Saute does drag a little during application, i find it practically PERFECT in all other respects. 

Looking at the lip swatch, it appears a LOT cooler in tone than it really is and the full face photo is probably a more accurate indicator (maybe the dodgy lighting in my flat - it's murky and rainy outside). I really am soooo PLEASED with this lipstick!! I've been going a bit nuts for pink lipsticks recently but i think i may have found my ultimate pink crush in Naughty Saute!!

Quick Sizzle (Bright Pink)

I have been umming and ahh-ing for what seems like AGES as to whether i want Girl About Town or Impassioned (not worth me having both, before you say anything, I don't have that many places to wear them out to) but when i saw this BRIGHT blue-based fuchsia, it seemed like the ULTIMATE cross between the two so i snapped it up. Quick Sizzle (Matte) is the first matte finish lipstick i have owned from MAC and, i have to say that they have got the formula pretty damn perfect! I find a lot of matte lipsticks VERY drying on my lips but this is a pleasure to wear!! It also seems like it will be SUPER long lasting. In fact, it did stain my lips a little. Maybe a softly, softly approach is needed rather than just whacking it on straight from the bullet. HA!!

Oh god, i really do look rough don't i!! Like my skin is about to start falling off haha. No amount of bronzer apparently can save me but thank the LORD for Quick Sizzle haha. Oh well. 
This really is a GORGEOUS pink and makes my green eyes REALLY pop out. I could sit and look at it for hours! I'm not sure how often i will get to wear it, but i'm going to give it a damn good go over the warmer months! This is lipstick lust in it's purest form, ladies!!

Here are the swatches for both....

So those were my must-buys from the Shop MAC collection. There are several other lipsticks in the collection which you can find and perv over on Temptalia amongst other places. 'Watch Me Sizzle' is shaping up to be the one to snap up QUICK with these two not far behind. 

Next up..... VIVA GLAM!!!

Are you excited for the Shop MAC collection?? Did you already snap up your favourite items?? What's your ULTIMATE pink lipstick crush??


  1. Woohooooo!!!

    I'm so in love with these colours! Gorgeous, you have convinced me to add Naughty Saute to my lipstick list.

    They both look great on you madam! xxxxx

    1. Oh you definitely need it babe!!! Get it ordered :P xxxxx

  2. These both look amazing on you!! I NEED them hehe xxx

  3. Those lipsticks look soooo good on you, I am very jealous! They go with your skin tone really well. I picked up 'Watch Me Simmer' and am still waiting for it in the mail... You're making me regret not pick up these two as well! :P I probably stepped back from them because I'm not sure how much wear I'd get out of them either. Lovely swatches xo

  4. they both really suit you!!! I just know I couldn't carry either of the shades off! x

  5. Quick Sozzle looks hott on you!!!


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