Friday, 2 September 2011

Going GAGA for MAC!

Good afternoon my lovelies!!
One thing i particularly HATE about Bank Holidays (there are quite a few things i hate about them actually) is that the postmen/delivery men of this country are too busy nursing their HANGOVERS to fix up and whisk me my parcels in decent time. I've been waiting for mine (I call him the MAC Fairy) since last Friday and I'm not known for my patience. 
Anyhoo.... he turned up yesterday afternoon with my parcel of loveliness. 

The reason I was so excited and impatient is very simple.. I'd ordered THIS!! 

Viva Glam Gaga 2 Lipstick!!!

Just lately I've been going a bit NUTS for nude lipsticks. I've loved my brights over the summer (Morange and Vegas Volt have featured heavily up to now) but now as it is cooling down I've reverted back to more natural, nude shades. When i saw Gaga 2 i just KNEW i had to own it. I'd toyed with buying Creme D'Nude but this one just grabbed me.... It's just a lovely beige nude which seems to actually lean a little towards pink on me. It's an Amplified (matte) finish but feels very creamy on the lips and a slick of gloss is all that's needed if you want more shine (Gaga 2 is also available as a gloss but any neutral or clear gloss will suffice)

Apologies for my facial tan FAIL... seriously can't i get a photo where something DOESN'T go wrong?? Meh!!

So i decided to do a little FOTD with it today. Felt like a bit of a numpty as i was only popping to the shops, but i had a few new things that I have been dying to play with so i thought I'd have a dabble today while i have time (and no work.. HURRAH). 

So here's what i have on... (Its nothing too fancy, just an everyday kinda make up)

Face: Max Factor Lasting Performance Fdn - Natural Bronze
BeneFit Boi-ing Concealer - Shade 2
Elf Pressed Powder - Caramel
Cheeks: MAC Sheertone Blush - Pink Swoon
Bourjois Delice De Poudre - 52
Eyes: Neutral and Pink shades from my Sleek 'Oh So Special' palette
Maybelline One-By-One Mascara - Black
Brows: BeneFit BrowZings - Medium
Lips: MAC Viva Glam Gaga 2

Overall view on Gaga 2 is that I really rather like it!! It is somewhat paler than my usual go-to nude lippy which is Rimmel Moisture Renew in (700) Nude Delight. I'm really quite taken with Gaga though. 
Special mention for this FOTD has to go to BeneFit BrowZings!! I'm very much a newbie for including my brows in my make up routine and have just never bothered with them in the past. But after using BrowZings for the first time today i realise how much BETTER they look!! I can see myself using this to DEATH! Expect a post on it in the very near future!!

I'll let you in on a little secret.... This isn't the first time I've gone GAGA!! Flashback to July this year and the day of Bakewell Carnival and i needed to find a costume for our Space Shuttle-Themed float (which won 1st PRIZE i might add). The only vaguely Space-ish look i could think of was LADY GAGA!! After all she did turn up to an awards ceremony in a COCOON!! And BOY did i have fun creating my look!! Check me out......

Gaga Oooh-La-La or WHAT!! 

What are your favourite Nude lip colours?? Did you go Gaga for Viva Glam??


  1. This colour looks so pretty and your brows DO look great! I'm loving 17 Beehive and Collection 2000 Cream Puff nudes right now- would love to go a bit more high end tho and this looks perfect :) xx

    Visit The Other Side Of Cool
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  2. Ooh this is such a nice shade! Similar to Gosh darling :) xo

  3. I have this lippy - it really doesn't suit me but I kept it as it's too gorgeous to get rid of! Looks lovely on you :) x

  4. I have this one too & I love it, I also like creme d'nude and blankety although they're both lighter than gaga2 x

  5. :-O I want this!!!! like really really want this! Just worried it won't suit me! x

  6. oooh pretty...

    I love the Gaga piccie at the end, Lisa YOU ROCK lol

  7. owwww I love the shade of that lipstick!!!
    I've wanted one in that shade for a while but wasn't sure which brand to pick Xx

  8. I have the First Mac viva la glam lipstick by Lady Gaga and loved it so much, I have used it all up now:( I think I may have to get this one to make up for it. It is a really nice colour it suits you :)


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