Thursday 15 November 2012

My Handmade Obsession

Good afternoon lovelies!! 
I've been a busy busy bee for a couple of weeks and the blog has been totally neglected. I started a new job on top of being back and forth back to the Shire for University. So before i head off to events tonight i have had a total revamp of my layout and colours and started to schedule posts for the rest of this week. Call it a fresh start if you will. I need to work myself out a new schedule. Today I want to talk to you today about my new found obsession for craft.

(Like Hello Kitty, but with Kraft instead hehe.... with a K. Clever lil me)

Some of you may know that i have had a store on Etsy for a little while now, selling cute, quirky, decorated iPhone cases. Well i've recently discovered that i have a talent for Crochet!! So i decided to expand! I'm still pretty new to it but i've been AMAZED at how fast i'm learning. I used a combination of books and youtube tutorials and within 2 weeks i have mastered the basics. 

I plan to sell my items on my Etsy store as i am REALLY enjoying crochet and, lets face it, there are only so many things i can make for myself. I also have several Christmas presents on the go for family and friends, including snoods, hats and blankets. 
All the yarn/wool i use comes from Charity shops, and i love that i can support good causes whilst doing something i enjoy. This little lot came from the British Red Cross, but i have also raided Sue Ryder and Trinity Hospice shops. 

Popcorn Beanie Hats! 

 These will be available in various colours on Etsy and will be made to order. I will add all links at the end of this post.

This is my first ever blanket. It's a GIANT granny square! Still a work in progress (it's grown a LOT since this photo was taken and is still going). I'm making it for a very dear friend as a special Christmas present. She deserves every bit of love and time that has gone into it, trust me. 

Please head over to my Etsy Store and have a nosey! I currently have several iPhone cases waiting for new homes at really good prices. Crochet items will be added in the next week but feel free to message me if there is something specific you would like me to work on for you or someone you love.

Also PLEEEEEEASE could all my lovely followers pop over to Facebook and LIKE the Hello Krafty Page!! I'll be posting upcoming projects on there and would love to have the support of my blog followers in this new venture! 

What are your crafts of choice?? Do you love vintage/handmade items?? Feel free to link me to your own Etsy store and i'll make sure i add you to my favourites!


  1. Ohmygod the crochet hats and blanket are absolutely adorable- such a great idea to turn something you enjoy doing into a lil business. Good luck hun and I'll definitely be purchasing a hat once they're up! xx

    Visit The Other Side Of Cool
    Tweet me! @othersideofcool

  2. Hi I really liking the blanket and crochet hat, i really need to learn how to do that. Good luck with the business venture <3

  3. Ooh very crafty, i LOVE that iphone case, if only i had an iphone :P

    Sophierosehearts x

  4. Love the blanket! Have liked your facebook page for you, I may have to order my daughter one of your iphone covers they are uber cute!

  5. Loveee everything on here!! SO creative :)

  6. Thank you everyone for your kind words! I'm really inspired at the moment xoxo


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