Saturday, 24 November 2012

Getting in the Xmas Spirit with Motel!

Hello again!
I've had the maddest, busiest week i've had in a LONG time this week! I attended some AMAZING events, which i am only just now starting to be able to write up because, as well as events, having friends visiting from back home and work, i am actually bloody EXHAUSTED!! But it's been so much fun and i've seen some amazing and exciting things. So here's the first installment of my crazy week! 

I was invited to go along to the Motel Rocks Xmas Bloggers' Party on Monday night, held at Floripa bar in Shoreditch! I went along with Alice as we'd been to other events together that night also (more on them to follow later this week). I'm so glad i was able to go as i got to catch up with a few blogging faces that i hadn't seen for way too long! I also got to see the latest booty from Motel along with pretty makeup from MyFace cosmetics and some practical hair demonstrations from someone VERY exciting indeed........

 What I Wore......

Playsuit: River Island
Belt: Primark
Brooch: Came with playsuit
Eyes: Sleek Avoir La Peche Palette, Maybelline Gel Liner, 17 Peep Show Mascara
Lipstick: MAC Chatterbox
Hair Extensions: Halo

I had a good old rummage through all the clothes on display. I'm now totally obsessed with getting myself some velvet trousers as they looked sooooo warm and comfy and PERFECT for the party season. I also loved the long-sleeved playsuits that were on offer in several different colours, but i think my ultimate lust item from the evening has to be the studded biker jacket (see top left above).

First thing Alice and i did when we got there (after furnishing ourselves with a cocktail of course) was make a beeline for the photobooth. Gotta love a photobooth! There were all manner of Xmas and other themed fancy dress items to choose from. I went as Santa Claus/Dame Edna haha! Don't we look like a pair of NUTTERS ;P

Now HERE is the highlight of the night, and year, for me! I got to be face to face with one of my all time most respected hair gurus, Mr Lee Stafford HIMSELF!! As a stylist myself, i got a bit giddy and may have attacked him a little bit for this photo. I had all kinds of questions for him, but he was very busy making lots of ladies look gorgeous so we had to part (sob). 

Motel did a fantastic job on the night! I think we got there a little after the main action had died down, unfortunately, but there was still plenty to see and bloggers to chat to and PRESENTS! I went home with some adorably gift-wrapped So...? perfumes that i haven't had since i was a teenager! They're lovely! Thank you Motel Rocks! 

To see all the latest collections from Motel visit their website HERE! They've got all your Xmas party wear requirements sorted! I think i'll be ordering that playsuit in the not too distant future! 

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