Saturday, 28 April 2012

A Few Changes and a FOTN

Evening lovers!!
And it really IS evening.... i was determined to blog today but i had a dinner invitation from one of my besties that i do not see very often that i couldn't refuse (wine, curry and CAKE - need i say more). But, anyhoo, i'm home now and determined to get this post out there as tomorrow is reserved for my bloody Finance assignment for uni (Blehhh)

So there have been a few changes..... 

First change is that i have done back over to the Darkside. As my blog name suggests i am a Brunette through and through, HOWEVER, recently i have been experimenting with ombre, followed by mahogany, then back to ombre again (confused?? Yeah i was as well). In the end one just has to draw a line and say ENOUGH!! So i have returned to what i know best which is my medium/dark chocolate brown. 
It's a huge relief to have hair extensions that match again. My clip ins now blend perfectly once more and, although my 16" Halo Hair Halo is still dyed mahogany, a box of dye is all that is needed to rectify that. Although my natural hair has grown so MUCH that my hair at the front is beginning to overtake the Halo so i fear i may have to write it off and purchase a longer one!!

SECOND change, and one which i have been building up to for some time now, is that i now have METAL in my face!! I've been deliberating on Twitter for a few weeks whether or not now was the time to finally go for it and get the nose piercing that i have wanted on and off since i was a teenager. In the end the verdict was almost a unanimous GO FOR IT!! So guess what..... I DID IT YESTERDAY!!

And i am so pleased with it! I removed my tongue piercing several months ago, after 12yrs together, as i just felt like it was time to get rid of it. I don't think it's becoming of a (nearly) 30yr old to be having metal in their mouth. Plus i suspect i chipped a tooth on it, which finally persuaded me to part with it. I did miss it for a little while, and i did feel like i was lacking something as a result, but i'm over the moon with my nose stud. Much more grown up. It's pretty basic, but eventually i'd love a diamond/gold stud in it (better save the pennies). 

THIRD change is that i have FINALLY embraced Gel eyeliner. And it's a massive HIT!! Why didn't one of you force me to try it sooner?? Yeah i've read and seen photos of you beautiful ladies wearing your MAC Blacktrack and your Inglot Gel Liner and thought you all looked FABULOUS, but it never inspired me to stop buying lippy and focus on my waterline. Well NO MORE cos i've got it and it has completely revolutionised how i do my eye makeup! Also, when my hair is darker i seem to make a bigger deal of my eyeliner. So while i was at it with the photos for this post i decided to do a little FOTN (from last night when i went out to show off my new piercing) to go with it. 

Face: BeneFit PoreFessional Primer
Rimmel 'Wake me Up' Foundation in Classic Beige
MAC Mineralise Skinfinish Natural in Medium Plus
Sleek Contour Kit in Medium
Cheeks: MAC Tres Cheek blush in 'LoveCloud'
Eyes: Maybelline Gel Liner in 001 'Intense Black'
(No eyeshadow - just didn't feel like i wanted it on this occasion)
Rimmel Day2Night Mascara in Black
Lips: A combo of MAC Myth and MAC Lovelorn
(Myth went on first then finished with a sweep of Lovelorn)

And that's all she wrote....

I'd like to make it known that i HATE Rimmel 'Wake me Up'. I do NOT have spot prone skin but this never fails to break me out. I don't find it lasts well AT ALL (patchy is an understatement), and it is only when i use it with my BeneFit primer that i like the finish. It actually looks a lot better on these photos (with flash, would you believe) than i think it does in natural light. But i would NOT recommend it to anyone. I know there are those who love it, and each to their own, but i also know a lot who feel the same as i do about it. I'm only still using it as i do not believe in wasting makeup. 

So i hope you didn't mind too much reading my waffle about my new discoveries. I've been so excited about it and had to do a little squealy post to mark the occasion.

What have you done to reinvent yourself lately??


  1. Your hair is so bloody gorgeous, whats the secret then to keeping it in such tip top condition I think you are going to have to share if not already :-)

    Becky’s Makeup and Beauty

    1. I NEVER use permanent dyes (unless it's REALLY necessary). I also swear by the Lee Stafford Hair Growth Treatment. Not because it makes my hair GROW as such but my hair always feels so strong and heavenly soft after i've used it. It's well worth the £7 :)

  2. Beautiful blog with so many inspiring ideas! Great work:) Would you like to follow each other?

  3. Love love love the nose stud!! Looks soo gorgeous and really suits your face :) and I'm totally loving that same gel eyeliner, I find it much more intense and long lasting than standard liquid liner. Looking lush :) xxx

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