Bit of a different one tonight girlies...
I write mainly about hair and makeup but, like all us girls, i also use lotions and potions. I don't often write about them because i really haven't got much of a clue about skincare products and what goes into them and i think that everybody's skin is so different that my opinion is probably null and void for most other people. But this product arrived on my mat a few weeks ago and i just knew that it would be a handbag essential for me.
Vaseline 2 in 1 Hand Cream and Antibac* is a great idea! I work in a kitchen as part of my part time job and i'm constantly having to wash and sanitise my hands. This, however, comes with its own issues. As a hairdresser also, i am all too familiar with dry, sore hands and dermatitis and a good hand cream is essential. This product addresses both issues in one step!
Up until i got this product i had been using the Carex Moisture Plus hand sanitiser and, although it is formulated to moisturise, i really wouldn't say it is as effective as a decent hand cream. Vaseline are known for their excellent moisturisers and hand products and is a much richer product. My hands feel much softer after using this than the Carex. It doesn't take ages to sink in, although it obviously takes a little longer than your average hand sanitising gels.
With a product like this, there isn't really anything SPECTACULAR about them to rave about. They just WORK and are functional and that's why they are a winner. This is a great little product to pop in your bag when you're out and about as you never know when you might need it. Also if you work in the service industry or in a kitchen a product like this is convenient and functional. And everyone wants soft hands!
This is a new release from Vaseline and as soon as i see it in my Boots i am going to pick up another one as i want one to keep at work as well as the one i carry in my bag. Vaseline products are always reasonably priced, in my opinion, so i reckon it's worth it.
What are your handbag essentials??
*Product sent to me for consideration
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