Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Urban Decay Book of Shadows IV: First Impressions

Evening my lovelies!!! 
I made a little purchase that i shouldn't have last week. Okay okay, so it was a pretty MAJOR purchase (given my current budget) but i'd spied it whilst shopping in Meadowhall the previous day and, although having previously been EXTREMELY pleased with myself for just picking it up, fondling it for a couple of minutes and then putting it BACK, I just couldn't stop thinking about it. Anyhoo, to cut a long story short i ordered the bugger from the House of Fraser website the next day. Queue MUCHO GUILTO! I adore it, but my Mastercard has now condemned me to HELL for it....

And it was THIS.....

Urban Decay Book of Shadows IV

Ain't it a BEAUT!! This is the first Book of Shadows i have ever purchased. My only UD palette up until now is my beloved Naked palette. However, i am GUTTED i never purchased the Alice in Wonderland Book of Shadows as i am just in LOVE with that story. 

Unlike my Naked palette, this set not only contains 16 beautiful shadows but ALSO a full size 24/7 Liquid liner and travel sizes in the Supercurl Curling Mascara and the much loved Primer Potion, which comes in a squeezy tube this time rather than the screw top vial as featured in Naked. I think i prefer it in this as i feel that there is a lot of potential for waste with the previous packaging. This will be so much easier for squeezing out every last precious drop. And i just cant wait to try out the mascara and liner. I've been scraping by on a dodgy liquid liner for a while now and 24/7, when i swatched it briefly on my hand, would not wash off!! Can't wait to test its staying power. 

This palette contains 16 shades and 10 of those are brand new, never released with any other palette. It does contain the shades Sin and Gunmetal which are included in the Naked palette but i will forgive Urban Decay for that because i am just so EXCITED to start playing with the other shades!
When i was cooing over this in Debenhams last week i was originally taken with the Blue Bus and Gravity shades and intrigued by Cobra and Bender. I feel that purple/blues and dirty greens are very much missing in my eyeshadow collection. I do have a tendency to stick to taupes, browns and golds (which this palette does also contain), but that just means that this palette will be even more LOVED!!
I haven't touched the shadows AT ALL yet. Not one swatch. This is because i wanted to wait until i have at least a couple of hours where i feel well enough, and focused enough to devote my attention to playing with it. And i can't wait to post about it!! 


What i don't really get is the whole QR reader/speaker/video/USB thing they've done with it. I think its a nice idea but it all seems a bit faffy and gimmicky to me. Maybe i'll give it a bash one day if i get bored. 

Look out for a more detailed post on this beautiful item with full review, swatches and an eye look VERY soon on this blog!
Do you own this Book of Shadows?? What are your favourite shades/products?? How do you wear them?? 


  1. Looks like such an amazing little palette! I love how it comes with liner and mascara too, would be great for travel! x

  2. oooh you've made me want it even more now, i'll have to wait till after xmas otherwise i'll not know what to spend my bday/xmas money on!! let us know if it really is worth getting if u have the naked palette xx


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