Saturday, 10 September 2011

NOTD ft OPI Steady As She Rose

Good evening lovelies! 
Pretty non eventful day here. I booked this weekend off work as i had intended to take a trip down to London to visit a friend but as i spent up on my birthday i have ended up stuck in Bakewell. So i plan on using these 2 days to rest up, get the flat in order and do a bit of blogging. And I'll start off by showing you my newest OPI addition....

Steady as she Rose

This is another polish from the Pirates of the Caribbean Collection that i have already featured on this blog. I bought the mini collection and this was the only polish that i really felt was MISSING from that. So i ordered it from eBay and it arrived on Thursday morning. 

If Skull&Glossbones had a wife, it would definitely be Steady as she Rose. I'd describe it as a girly version of that. Its subtle greyish-pink that is VERY wearable and still bang on for this season's nude CRAZE.
 As i predicted when i was whinging about the consistency of the OPI minis compared to the regular size polishes, this goes on so much better. I suspect it may be more to do with the brush than the formulation, which i had originally thought to be the culprit. I still think the minis are a great value way to try out multiple polishes from a collection without splashing out too much cash. I will be repurchasing a couple of the shades from this collection when fundage allows!! 

What are your favourite OPI shades?? Is this polish on your shopping list??


  1. I love this colour, is very similar to OPI Sweetheart. xx

  2. What a lovely colour!!!!
    I've never tried OPI before but I'm attempting to grow my nails so when I get them to a more desirable unnibbled length I might buy some Xx

  3. I was a little upset that this shade wasn't in the minis collection - tis very pretty x

  4. This whole collection is on my wishlist, like you I'm going to get the minis and then this individually. Such a lovely wearable colour :) xx

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