Monday, 10 February 2014

Veganised It! Creamy Courgette Soup

I said I was going to start featuring the odd Vegan foodie post on this blog. Seasoned Vegans will probably scoff at this post but, since I'm such a newbie, I'm still learning ways to adapt recipes and replace ingredients to make them more 'earth-friendly'. I thought a little series on 'veganising' amazing, simple recipes might be a nice idea to inspire a few people to reduce the amount of animal products in their diet (it's better for your health too, you know) and possibly help other new Vegans with their transition by showing what can be made. I came across this lovely, simple recipe on Pinterest (the original dairy-laden recipe can be credited to Chef In You) and I always have courgettes lying around.

I had to half the ingredients as I'm a woman on my own (insert violin solo here) but I'll give you the full recipe  which serves 4. My reduced quantities made 2 large portions for me. 

  • 2 lbs ( abt 900 grams) White or Green Courgette
  • 1 Onion, chopped
  • 1 tsp dried Oregano (I only had Schwartz Italian Herb Mix in the cupboard but it worked just as well)
  • 3 cups Vegetable Stock/Water
  • 1/2 cup Alpro Soya Single Cream (or as much or as little as you like depending on your taste)
  • Fresh Oregano to garnish (I just used black pepper)
  • Salt and Pepper to taste

  • To Prepare (approx cook time 30mins)
  • - Trim and uniformly slice courgettes
  • - Melt 2tbsp Pure Dairy-Free Sunflower Spread in saucepan
  • - Add chopped onions and saute for several minutes before adding the dry Oregano
  • - Add all of the courgette and a pinch of salt
  • - Cook for approx 10mins until the courgette just starts to soften
  • - Add the stock to the pan and simmer gently with saucepan lid half on for 15mins
  • - Using a hand blender, process the soup to your desired consistency. 
  • - Add the Alpro Soya Cream to the pan and mix (you could also add more stock if the soup is too thick)

  • ENJOY!

  • This recipe really is no effort at all. I've loved it this week with toast and lashings of (dairy-free) spread. I've never been a huge fan of heavy cream soups but the Alpro Soya cream is so much lighter. It almost tasted a little 'cheesy'. I'll definitely be making it again as I've always got courgettes in my fridge. It's the kind of recipe I'd make all year round. Soups are brilliant in the Winter to warm you up but, somehow, they also work in the Summer when you're too hot and bothered to stomach a big meal. 

  • Eeeeeek, my first ever recipe post!! Hope you don't mind the occasional break from the beauty chatter, normal service will resume tomorrow. Okay, so it isn't my own original recipe, but I just wanted to demonstrate how easy it is to make a few little tweaks (using products that are readily available in supermarkets) and create a yummy, healthy Vegan alternative. Definitely check out the Chef In You blog though. They have some fab recipes for carnivores and plant eaters alike!

  • Are you a soup fanatic?? Would you consider the Vegan option?? Are you a new Vegan looking to eliminate the dreaded dairy from your recipes??



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