Thursday, 19 December 2013

TLC's Last Minute Christmas Crackers Pt2: Benefit Crescent Row

My last minute Christmas Shopping Spree continues! It might be less than a week to go before it all kicks off but there's still plenty of shopping hours to be had. A quick nip into Debenhams or Boots is all that's needed to pick up this little beauty of a Fragrance Gift Set by Benefit. I'm a HUGE fan of Benefit fragrances and was presented with this Limited Edition Crescent Row Set* at the Benefit Christmas Bloggers Party. This is a mini selection of all of their best loved fragrances, including a new addition to the gang.

This set contains four of Benefit's Best Loved Fragrances in dinky 10ml sizes...
Laugh With me LeeLee
Ring My Bella
My Place or Yours Gina
NEW Under my Spell Noelle

These are perfect for handbags! I've been carrying around Noelle and Gina almost constantly ever since I got this set. It's great to have them handy, should the need for a quick dab of something gorgeous arise. The only fragrance out of the bunch I was unfamiliar with was LeeLee, but I'm learning to love her just as much as I love her Crescent Row sisters. And, of course, in true Benefit style, the packaging is beautiful. It's something any Benefit or fragrance fan would love to unwrap for Christmas.

This Gift Set retails for £29.50 for 4x10ml

Benefit have so many gorgeous Limited Edition sets this year! Why not have a browse on the website before you dash out to brave the shopping madness and save some time? If you REALLY haven't got time to get to a counter before Christmas, Benefit are currently offering an Express shipping option before midnight tomorrow (20th) to ensure your online orders get to you before the big day.  

Are you a fan of Benefit Fragrances?? Who is your favourite of the Crescent Row Ladies?? 

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