Monday, 31 December 2012

My Christmas 2012 in Pictures

We've already established that my Christmas posts are coming a little late this year due to me being away for most of it. It's been the first Christmas in a LONG time that i haven't had to work so i was actually able to travel up to Derbyshire and spend it with my family uninterrupted! We also drove up to Humberside on Christmas morning so that we could spend the day with my extended family. I had a thoroughly lovely and relaxing time (and a couple of wild nights out). 

Here are the Highlights in Pictures!

1) Beautiful star decoration on top of my parent's Christmas Tree 2) It wouldn't be Christmas without a big tin of choccy now would it?! 3) My main Christmas present was a contribution from my parents towards my new Nikon DSLR camera and i'm in LOVE! (expect better blog photos in 2013) 4) Proper family Christmas Dinner with all the cliche gimmicks... and bubbly 5) My FOTD (see previous post) 6) My OOTD from Sugarhill Boutique... Who says bats can't be festive?? 7) My fur-babies travelled with me for the holidays and were complete angels the whole time. Was so happy to have them with me. 8) Didn't go for Turkey this year. Tucked into a massive lamb shank for Christmas Dinner 9) CHRISTMAS PJ'S!! Enough said.

 NOTD: Barry M Gold Foil Nail Effects with Paul and Joe Nail Lacquer in shade 014

 Playing with my new toy (in a very grubby mirror)

 Boxing Day Champagne with Hibiscus Flowers

Epic Christmas BUFFET!!

 Ruby Wooooo I Love Yoooooooou!!!

Jasper passed out on the beanbag after stuffing his face with Turkey and Ham and playing with their new Christmas toys

So those are my highlights, without going into too much boring detail. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!! 


  1. Cute photos, do you have a ferret, how cute!

    Sophierosehearts x

    1. Yes, i have TWO ferrets! They're my little angels x

  2. Lovely to hear you had such a nice Christmas hun :) I'll be interested to see all your new photos with your DSLR and to hear how you get on with it. I'm so tempted to buy one but I worry that they're too complicated for me and I'd never figure out how to use it properly! Gem xx

    1. I got this one for 45% off on Amazon so it's definitely worth looking into it! I've just bought the book 'DSLR photography for Dummies' so i'm very hopeful that i'll be a master soon haha. Hope you had a lovely Xmas babes. Must catch up soon, i need to give you your hat! xx


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