Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Sleek: The 'Highlight' of my Week!!

Evening ladies! 
This is a late one tonight, mainly because i've been beavering away at my mounting pile of uni assignments and rooting through ebook libraries at my parents house all night. However, my brain has started to protest and has instructed me that it needs to do something FUN for a little while, so i thought this would be a great opportunity to show you a product that has really made my day today! 

That is the Sleek Makeup GLO 'Bronze Baby' Face and Body Highlighting Kit which i picked up as part of the goodie bag i snagged at Salon International this year. I have to say i wasn't actually in the market for another bronzer/highlighter but, as this was included in the price, i skipped home with it in my haul. 

No pun intended here AT ALL but how sleek is this packaging?? It really reminds me of similar Bobbi Brown products without the pricetag! The brush isn't my favourite, i have to say, but i used this with my angled blush/contour brush on the cheekbones, nose and temples.

Salon international was actually 2 weeks ago and i only decided to get this out to play with for the first time this morning and WOWZER! I was actually blown away by it. I've never owned a bronze product with quite the same GLOW factor. The sheen on it really is like nothing i've ever seen before. It actually gives an AMAZING golden bronze colour as well as acting as a highlighter. No need for two separate products here!! 
The consistency and pigmentation of the product is faultless. It took no effort or building up for a swatch and applies and blends VERY well on the face. I'm over the moon that this adds a visible hint of colour as well as being a highlight as, having been rather poorly of late i am feeling VERY washed out at the moment. A little also goes a long way so its well worth the price of £6.49 for 9g of product.

The swatch almost reminds me of gold leaf! This swatch is all the different stripes of the product mixed together but you could just as easily use them seperately and if you would like to see them swatched individually do let me know and i will be more than happy to oblige. I had taken a photo of the product on my face today but, having uploaded it to my computer i quickly realised that, as a result of being plague-ridden for the best part of a fortnight i still look like death warmed up. Not to mention brow-ZILLA  (also a result of illness and inability to give a damn about eyebrow-plucking). 

Therefore the 'on-the-face' photo will be added (hopefully) tomorrow if i can get myself looking de-fuzzed and human in time.  This product can also be swept over the shoulders, back or chest for a more all over glow. Anywhere the light hits. I haven't tried this option yet as its very rare i get my skin out for the viewing public haha.

This product is currently coming up as 'Out of Stock' on the Sleek Website. That goes for the 'Peach Shimmer' variant as well (which i now feel i MUST also have). Typical. But if you happen to spot this instore at Superdrug i highly recommend you grab it and RUN to the checkout as fast as you can because it is a full on GORGEOUS product and I'm so glad i own it.

What are your favourite highlighters? What do you make of Sleek's Contour and Highlight kits? 


  1. I tend to prefer matte bronzers as I like to slap them all over my face, and then put it on heavier in contour areas. however, I do love some bronzy shimmer on my chest/shoulder areas and this looks like such a gorgeous colour!! xx

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  2. Aw and I meant to say I really hope you feel better soon! xxx

  3. Hope you feel better, lovely colour xx

  4. I think this looks a bit to shimmery for the face. I would use this on my body when I am going out though!
    I think I may have to go and swatch this for myself :D Great post!


  5. Oooh this bronzer looks so nice! Definitely will have to keep my eye out for this whenever I'm in superdrug :) and yeah it definitely looks a look a lot like the bobbi brown bronzer kit! Hope you feel better xox

  6. wow, it looks so nice, great review dear <3


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