Saturday, 12 May 2018

UK Vegan Supermarket Finds - May

Meet the most exciting new vegan products I've discovered in UK supermarkets this month!

While I was picking my brain for new, fun, and useful content to start churning out now that I'm rediscovering my blogging mojo again, I got to thinking about what sort of posts my followers on Instagram (which I managed not to ditch during that dark period) have been liking the most, and...

It seems that people like it when you find new and exciting vegan products in UK supermarkets! I certainly do! It's why I'm always straight onto Insta to share them! So I figured it might be cool to try making a round-up blog post each month, featuring any delicious new plant-based products that have appeared on the market in the UK. Admittedly, these may only be new to me, but they're still worth sharing for anyone who might not know what to look out for...

Daiya Mozzerella and Cheddar FOUND in Sainsbury's UK

Firstly... and most importantly....

Daiya Cheese comes to Sainsbury's!!

This discovery has been an absolute game-changer for me. I can absolutely live without cheese of any kind and, when I do dabble in non-dairy cheese, I'm happy to accept something that isn't quite how I remember dairy cheese to be, as long as it's semi-decent in its own right (thanks a bunch Violife and Sainsbury's Greek Style), but then I found Daiya Foods' Mozzerella Shreds and Medium Cheddar Farmhouse Block twinkling away next to the Vegenaise in my local Sainsbo's.

Not gonna lie, the price on these cheeses makes me unhappy (they're £4.50 a piece), but I couldn't not try them, as I've been hearing about Daiya ever since I first went vegan in January 2014, and I'm so pleased they're finally in the UK.

In short, these cheeses are pretty amazeballs. I'm going to do a separate post so I can talk more about them because they have the best texture and flavour of any vegan cheese I've tried. I'm still getting creative with them and figuring out new ways to use them (can you believe that I've actually forgotten a lot of ways you can eat cheese), but I'll be reporting back soon!

Sticking with Sainsbury's...

Vegan Summer Iced Coffee - SORTED!

Another brand that seems to have found its way across the pond is Califia Farms with their uber-posh almond milk creations. My local Sainsbury's started stocking these last year, but I didn't get round to trying them until recently. Again, not the most budget-friendly of brands (like Daiya, these products are coming all the way from the US/Canada so the price hike its kinda understandable) but well worth grabbing when you see them on offer, especially now that the weather is heating up.

Also worth mentioning here is the new Alpro Caffe range of soy drinks - which includes a salted caramel coffee and hazlenut coffee flavour, which are slightly friendlier on the purse. I've tried them all and they are GOOD!

Itsu Vegetable Fusion Gyoza FOUND in Tesco UK

Let's nip over to Tesco for a minute...

Quick and Easy Freezer Finds

These products might not be new to some of you, but I can't be the only one who hasn't been able to get my mitts on them until recently? The Itsu Vegetable Fusion Gyoza Dumplings have been on my shopping list for a long time, but only last week did I actually spot them when doing my online Tesco shop. I'm a massive fan of Asian cuisine, and dumplings are my jam so I will probably hoover all of these up in one go!

I also wanted to include these really handy bags of chickpea, bulgar wheat and mixed vegetables, because they look fantastic for a quick lunch thrown over  big salad with some yummy dressing. Exactly what I want for summer! And really affordable too! 

Aaaaaaaand, back to Sainsbo's....

Salty Vegan Chocolate Heaven!

I actually first discovered these Sweet'n'Salty Almond choc bars by Rhythm 108 in a The Vegan Kind box (and they completely rocked my world), but only recently did they appear in Sainsbury's. I almost cried with happiness! 

This is perhaps the best chocolate bar I've ever eaten - vegan or non vegan. Sainsbury's also carries the coconut variety, and there is also a choc hazelnut bar in the range (although not currently in Sainsbury's). At £1.25 each I think they're fairly reasonably priced. The bars could be a little bigger, but maybe that's a good thing for my muffin top in the long run. I could easily go mad on these! Throw one in your basket next time you're in Sainsbury's Free-From aisle - you won't regret it!

And finally... Superdrug!

Vegan, Cruelty Free Glow

Had to add a little mention for this vegan gradual tan lotion I snapped up in Superdrug this week. I go through phases of loving tan and really not caring about it at all, but since I got back from Gran Canaria (see my last post here) I'm loving my new, bronzed look for the first time in ages and I wanted a little something to help it last just a little bit longer. 

While most of my other body care products at the moment are from The Body Shop, their tan contains honey so that's a no-go for me. I used to be a fan of Johnson's Holiday Skin, but didn't like the smell, and I don't like the cruelty... ENTER Superdrug Gradual Tan Lotion. Not going to say too much about this as I want to do a Summer Bodycare post over the next few weeks, but it smells like holidays and I can't wait to try it out. I really hope it's amazing! 

Not sure if I'm going to be doing one of these posts every month, but I'll definitely be back in touch the next time I have a few exciting finds to share with you.

What new Vegan or Cruelty-Free products have you been trying lately?


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